Ecuador, 1865, 1r Green, Vertical Pair, margins large to just shaving frameline on top stamp, tied by "Guayaquil, 27 Ene, 66" cds on folded letter to Lima, Peru; top stamp with small punch hole, otherwise Very Fine, a scarce external mail usage prior to the autumn of 1866 not dispatched through the British P.O. Scott No. 5 Estimate $500 - 750.

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Ecuador, 1865, 1r Yellowish Green, Horizontal Strip of Three, first printing, tied by "Guano, 16 Sept, 65" cds and matching lozenge handstamp on Judicial front and part backflap to Riobamba, turned usage back to Guano with 1865, 1r green, vertical pair and single with pair affixed over "De Oficio" boxed handstamp and tied by "Riobamba, 27 Sept, 65" cds's and lozenge handstamps; some slight soiling affecting pair and single, otherwise Very Fine, ex-Saá. Scott No. 5 Estimate $500 - 750.
The erroneously applied "De Oficio" handstamp would have exempted the wrapper from postal fees, a privilege which was not applicable to civil judicial matters which benefitted from the reduced parcel rate but not from exemption.
Realized: $450

Ecuador, 1865, 1r Green, large margins, tied by diamond lozenge cancel on Judicial wrapper from Loja to Cariamanga, reverse with "Diciembre 1 de 1868" dateline docketing, Very Fine and choice, about three covers are known from Loja just showing the dotted lozenge cancel. Scott No. 5 Estimate $500 - 750.

Ecuador, 1865, 1r Green, Diagonal Bisect, upper left portion of stamp tied by "Guayaquil, 1 Set, 66" cds on part cover to Quito paying the single ½r domestic rate, Very Fine. Scott No. 5a Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270

Ecuador, 1865, 1r Green, full margins, tied by neat dotted diamond lozenge and matching "Alausi, 14 Aout, 68" cds on Judicial wrapper to Riobamba, turned cover usage with second initial 1865, 1r green (position 43 double frameline at top) tied by "Riobamba, 17 Oct, 68" cds to Alausi, Very Fine, a very scarce turned usage bearing the 1r green. Scott No. 5 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270

Ecuador, 1865, 1r Green, third printing, with 1r pale greyish green, horizontal pair on Judicial cover to Riobamba canceled by "Ambato, 26, Fevr, 69" cds, and 1r greyish green, horizontal strip of three tied by "Guaranda, 17 Mars, 67" cds's on front to Ambato, Very Fine. Scott No. 5 Estimate $300 - 400.

Ecuador, 1865, 1r Yellowish Green, first printing, ample to large margins, tied by "Ibarra, 17 Mars, 65" cds on Judicial wrapper to Quito; light cover soiling, F.-V.F., one of the earliest covers recorded with this stamp. Scott No. 5 Estimate $200 - 300.
Current Opening Bid: $90

Ecuador, 1865, 1r Dull Green, ample to large margins, canceled by dotted lozenge handstamp and tied by "Alausi, 28 Juin, 67" cds on fresh wrapper to Riobamba, Very Fine and choice, a rare usage of the Alausi first type townmark; with 1988 Holcombe certificate. Scott No. 5 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

Ecuador, 1865, 1r Green, Horizontal Strip of Three, ample to large margins, tied by "Loja, 5 Avril, 69" cds and matching dotted lozenge handstamp on Judicial wrapper to Cariamanga; cover soiling and edge wear, F.-V.F. Scott No. 5 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

Ecuador, 1865, 1r Green, Two Singles, third printing, ample to mostly large margins, tied by "Guayaquil, 27 Mars, 67" cds on folded letter to Lima, Peru, bold receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 5 Estimate $150 - 200.