Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blue, single on two Judicial wrapper paying the single parcel rate; one in deep blue (mottled) tied by Riobamba dotted diamond lozenge cancel to Guano, other to Riobamba tied by 1870 Ambato cds (upper left of cover missing and tear), F.-V.F. Scott No. 2 Estimate $200 - 300.

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blue, ample to mostly huge margins showing portion of margin rule at left, tied by the Guayaquil "Franca" dotted lozenge on cover to Quito, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Deep Ultramarine on Surface Blued Paper, single on two covers paying the single internal rate for letter weight up to ¼ oz.; 1869 fresh folded letter to Cuerna with stamp tied by Riobamba cds and matching dotted diamond lozenge handstamp, and 1870 folded letter to Riobamba with stamp tied by Guayaquil "Franca" in dotted lozenge handstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blue, ample to large margins, tied by two strikes of "Alausí, 15 Dec" cds and matching dotted lozenge handstamp on part 1870 ca. Judicial front to Riobamba, F.-V.F., the dotted lozenge of Alausí is known used after 1869. Scott No. 2 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blue, single on two covers; 1869 folded letter to Guano tied by Alausi cds and matching dotted diamond lozenge handstamp (stamp with corner nick), and 1870 folded letter sheet to Latacunga with stamp tied by Guaranda cds, F.-V.F. Scott No. 2 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $150

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Ecuador, 1865, ½r Deep Ultramarine on Surface Blued Paper, Two Singles, in combination with 1865, 1r yellow buff, vertical strip of three in large Judicial front to Quito, all except one ½r tied by red dotted lozenge cancels with matching "Riobamba, 19 Mayo" cds alongside, the additional ½r affixed and canceled by manuscript for the 4r franking of the 8 times parcel rate, manuscript "7¾oz" weight endorsement at top, Very Fine. Scott No. 2+4 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450