Ecuador, 1865, ½r Milky Blue, Horizontal Strip of Three, ample to mostly huge margins, on part Judicial wrapper from La Esperanza, tied by bold strikes of red "Ibarra, Franca, 24 Juno, 71" cds paying the triple parcel rate for up to 3 ounces, Extremely Fine, this was the first date stamp used at the Ibarra Post Office, being introduced in 1871 and was used in red only, ex-Funkhouser and Longhi; with 2011 Moorhouse certificate. Scott No. 2 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,750

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Deep Ultramarine, Blue Surface Paper, Four Singles, stamps with petite cut, all tied by two strikes of red "Guayaquil, Franca, 26 Mars, 73" cds's on fresh folded letter to Lima, Peru paying the 2r single rate up to ½ ounce, reverse with "Lima, 1 Abr" receiving cds; left stamp with corner nick at top left, still Very Fine, ex-Lund; with 2013 Moorhouse certificate. Scott No. 2 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $900

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blue, Horizontal Strip of Four, large to huge margins, canceled by two strikes of the Guayaquil "Franca" in dotted diamond lozenge on March 3, 1871 datelined folded letter to Lima, Peru, letter carried by PSNC steamer and entered Peru at Callao, with cancelling marks impressed through to cover effectively tying strip, Extremely Fine, with strip paying the 2r single external rate for an American destination not exceeding ¼ ounce, ex-Longhi. Scott No. 2 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $675

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blackish Blue, unusual deep oily impression, margins clear to huge, tied by blue "Guayaquil, Franca, 6 Ago, 70" cds and bold "Franca" in dotted lozenge handstamp on folded letter sheet to Quito; slight soiling, Very Fine, a remarkable and quite possibly unique shade on cover, ex-Olgieser. Scott No. 2 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
The "Guayaquil/ Franca" cds was introduced in 1869 and was applied in blue only occasionally. The dotted lozenge with the "Franca" inscription was only used at Guayaquil and was in use from 1868.
Realized: $725

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Deep Ultramarine, clear to ample margins, tied by Ambato, 31 Janv cds with second strike alongside, on 1873 folded letter to Riobamba, Very Fine, usages in 1873 for this denomination are most unusual, with fewer than ten covers known. Scott No. 2 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blue, clear to huge margins, tied by red dotted lozenge handstamp with matching "Ibarra, Franca, 19 July, 73" cds on Judicial wrapper to Quito, with "1oz." weight notation at top, Very Fine and choice, one of the latest usages of the ½ real and the only use of a first issue with the red lozenge of Ibarra, ex-Funkhouser and Longhi; with 2011 Moorhouse certificate. Scott No. 2 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $625

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blue, margins huge to in at right, in Judicial folded letter with complete contents (very unusual thus) from Guano to Riobamba paying the single parcel rate for up to 1 ounce, tied by "Riobamba, 1 Dec 69" cds upon arrival, Very Fine. Scott No. 2 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Light Grayish Ultramarine, ample to large margins and pale impression which originated from the end of 1870 and 1871, tied by dotted lozenge handstamp on Judicial cover from Latacunga to Quito, manuscript "1oz" in blue crayon at top denoting the single parcel rate, Very Fine. Scott No. 2 Estimate $300 - 400.

Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blue, single two Judicial wrappers paying the single parcel rate for up to one ounce; includes 1869 wrapper Ambato to Quito and 1870 Quito to Riobamba, both tied by neat readable cds's and stamps with clear to ample margins, Very Fine. Scott No. 2 Estimate $200 - 300.
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Ecuador, 1865, ½r Blue, single on two 1871 covers from correspondence to Riobamba, one ½r in blue (mottled) and other in light gray blue shade, both tied by Guayaquil "Franca" dotted diamond lozenge handstamp, Very Fine, these oily impressions are believed to have been printed in 1870 and 1871. Scott No. 2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180