1391 (
New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d bluish lilac, perf 12½, Large Star watermark, without gum, fresh with strong bright color, F.-V.F.; with 2013 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 33 var. Campbell Paterson No. A3d (6). SG No. 117 var. £160 for normal shade ($210).
Realized: $30

New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d lilac, perf 12½, horizontal pair, Large Star watermark, in combination with 1864, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, perf 12½ on 1871 double rate mourning cover to Edinburgh, Scotland, with "Via San Francisco" routing endorsement at top, canceled by bared oval handstamps tying 6d, reverse with "Queenstown, Jy 31" origin, Dunedin transit and arrival postmarks, Very Fine, letters sent via Pacific route are scarce; with 1992 P. Holcombe certificate. Scott No. 33+36. SG No. 117+122 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $425

Lot 1393 o
New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d lilac & mauve, imperf, Large Star watermark, four imperf singles, in lilac, reddish mauve, mauve and deep mauve, various cancels, margins generally large to close, strong colors, F.-V.F., a scarce shade group of Provisional imperforates; lilac with 2011 Odenweller certificate. Campbell Paterson No. A3d(X-W).SG No. 117a-118a; £7,600 for pairs ($9,990) Estimate $500 - 750.

Lot 1394 o
New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d lilac & mauve, imperf, Large Star watermark, single of each, barred oval cancels, ample to large margins, mauve close at lower left, strong colors, Very Fine overall. Scott No. 33b-33c.SG No. 117a-118a; £3,800 for pairs ($4,990) Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350

Lot 1395 o
New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d lilac, imperf, Large Star watermark, duplex cancel, large margins all around, small central tone spot, otherwise Extremely Fine. Scott No. 33b. Campbell Paterson No. A3dw.SG No. 117a £1,900 for pair ($2,500).
Realized: $60

Lot 1396 o
New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d lilac, imperf, Large Star watermark, 3 singles, numeral, duplex and barred oval cancels, mostly ample margins, one with mostly large margins to just touching, pale to strong colors, one with minute margin cut, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 33b.SG No. 117a; £5,700 for pairs ($7,490) Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $375

Lot 1397 o
New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d lilac, imperf, Large Star watermark, light cancel, ample to mostly large margins, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 33b.SG No. 117a £1,900 for pair ($2,500).
Realized: $90

Lot 1398 o
New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d lilac, imperf, Large Star watermark, bar and date stamp cancels, margins huge to touching at top, strong color, F.-V.F.; with 2018 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 33b.SG No. 117a £1,900 for pair ($2,500).
Realized: $150

Lot 1399 o
New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d lilac, imperf, Large Star watermark, pair, light barred oval cancel, ample to mostly large margins, vibrant color, Extremely Fine, choice. Scott No. 33b.SG No. 117a £1,900 for pair ($2,500).
Realized: $100

Lot 1400 o
New Zealand, 1867, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d lilac, imperf, Large Star watermark, pair, barred oval cancel, ample to large margins, strong color, Very Fine. Scott No. 33b.SG No. 117a £1,900 for pair ($2,500).
Realized: $100