Lot 1381 o
New Zealand, 1864, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 1d issues, perf 12½, Large Star watermark, set of all five shades: carmine vermilion, carmine, orange vermilion and orange, barred oval cancels, orange vermilion shade with couple creases, generally F.-V.F.; three with 2011 Odenweller certificate. Campbell Paterson No. A1m (1-5).SG No. 110-112 £258 for normal ($340).
Realized: $300

1382 (
New Zealand, 1864, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 1d carmine vermilion to vermilion shades, perf 12½, Large Star watermark, four singles in carmine vermilion, carmine, orange vermilion and vermilion shades, most without gum, strong to rich colors, Very Fine; all except carmine shade with 2011-14 Odenweller certificate. Campbell Paterson No. A1m(1-4). SG No. 110-111 £1,000 ($1,380).
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Realized: $350

1383 (
New Zealand, 1864, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 1d carmine vermilion, perf 12½, Large Star watermark, without gum, well centered, strong color on fresh paper, Very Fine; with 2014 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 31. Campbell Paterson No. A1m (1). SG No. 110 £225 ($300).
Realized: $130

1384 (
New Zealand, 1864, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 1d vermilion, perf 12½, Large Star watermark, horizontal pair, without gum, rich bold color, Very Fine. Scott No. 31 var. Campbell Paterson No. A1m(4). SG No. 111 £550 for singles ($720).
Realized: $140

1385 (
New Zealand, 1871, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 1d orange, perf 12½, Large Star watermark, without gum, bright color, Very Fine; with 2011 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 31a. Campbell Paterson No. A1m(5). SG No. 112 £600 ($790).
Realized: $100

New Zealand, 1866, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d deep blue, perf 12½, strip of four and single, Large Star watermark, unwatermarked, all tied by "C" in barred oval handstamp on cover to Hull, England, reverse with "Christchurch, New Zealand, Oc 5, 66" origin cds and "Hull, De 2" receiver, with manuscript "via Marseilles" routing but carried by the steamer Kaikoura via the Panama route, Very Fine. Scott No. 32 var. SG No. 114 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,050

1387 (
New Zealand, 1864, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d blue, imperf, Large Star watermark, without gum, ample to huge margins, rich deep color, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 32d. SG No. 115c £2,500 for pair ($3,280).
Realized: $600

1388 (
New Zealand, 1864, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d blue, retouched, imperf, Large Star watermark, without gum, full even margins, bright vibrant color, Very Fine and choice; with 1938 B.P.A. certificate. Scott No. 32d var. SG No. 115d £4,000 for pair ($5,260).
Realized: $375

Lot 1390 o
New Zealand, 1864, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d issues, perf 12½, Large Star watermark, group of nine shades: lilac, pale lilac, deep lilac, slate lilac, bluish lilac, mauve lilac, deep mauve, mauve and pale mauve, barred oval or town cancels, strong true colors, Fine; lilac with 2011 Odenweller certificate. Campbell Paterson No. A3d (2-10).SG No. 116-118 £435 for normal ($570).
Realized: $500