Lot 1186
Nova Scotia, 1835 (Aug. 28) Glasgow, Scotland to Pictou N.S., docketed folded cover endorsed per "Acadian", entered mails with "Halifax N.S. SE, 1835" cds and "Ship Letter, Halifax" crown oval with manuscript "8" pence rating; small faults, F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180
Lot 1187
Nova Scotia, 1789 (Jan. 5) Halifax N.S. to London, England, folded cover with framed "HALIFAX N.S." postmark and "JA. 5" date on flap and manuscript "1/" rating, carried by Falmouth Packet Speedy to Great Britain, London (2.12) arrival backstamp; some wear and slight overall toning, Fine, ex-Halifax, Steinhart.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500
Lot 1188
Nova Scotia, 1789 (Jul. 7) Fredericton N.B. to London, England, folded letter with faded red manuscript "Postage Paid to Halifax N9" at top, "Halifax, N: Scotia, Aug 5 '89" split double-ring cds and manuscript "1/-" packet rating, carried by Falmouth Packet Cumberland to Falmouth, London (10.2) arrival cds; fold soiling and slight overall toning, Fine.Estimate $500 - 750.
Lot 1189
Nova Scotia, 1802 (Apr. 24) Halifax, N.S. to London, England, datelined folded letter with "Halifax / Apr" two-line handstamp, carried by Lady Arabelle to Falmouth, red London (5.31) backstamp and manuscript "1/10" packet rating, clean and Very Fine.Estimate $100 - 150.
From January 5th 1797, the rate to Falmouth became 1s and 1s8d to London, then from April 5th 1801 the rate to London increased to 1s10d.
Realized: $100
Lot 1190
Nova Scotia, 1807 (Mar. 4) London, England to Shelburne N.S., folded cover with red "Paid, Mar 4, 1807" cds and manuscript "2/-" prepaid rating, endorsed "pr. the March Packet", carried by Duke of Kent from Falmouth to Halifax, sharp strike of "Halifax / Apr 15" two-line backstamp and manuscript "4½" d.cy. ship letter rating within BNA; some paper loss top right, F.-V.F.Estimate $100 - 200.
Lot 1191
Nova Scotia, 1810 (May 15) Prince Edward Island to Alnwick, England, datelined folded letter with "Halifax / May 21" backstamp, carried by Duke of Montrose to Falmouth, manuscript "1½" oz. notation and "9/4" due rating for 6s to London and 3s3d to Alnwick, Very Fine and high rating, ex-Salmon.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180
Lot 1192
Nova Scotia, 1815 (May 21) Halifax, N.S. to Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Scotland, datelined folded letter with "Halifax, MY 21, 1815" fleuron cds and matching bold "POST / PAID" circular handstamp, carried by Hinchinbrooke to Falmouth, partial "Glasgow, 28 Jun 1815" two-line postmark and matching "½" handstamp for Scottish toll road tax, manuscript "2/5" rating for 1s3d packet plus 1s2d inland postage, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Lot 1193
Nova Scotia, 1817 (Oct. 30) Borrowfield, Scotland to Lunenburg N.S., datelined folded letter entered the mails with framed "Montrose, 488 - E" postmark and manuscript "Pd 2/6½" rating, Edinburgh "Paid, 5 NO 1817" cds, carried by Princess Elizabeth to Bermuda, then by HMS Saracen to Halifax; cover tear, Very Fine appearance.Estimate $200 - 300.
The 2s6½d rating was 1s3d for packet, 1s3d inland postage (should have been 1s2d for 488 miles) and ½d Scottish toll road tax. A post office was opened at Lunenburg in 1819 only.
Realized: $180
Lot 1194
Nova Scotia, 1818 (Nov. 5) Swansea, Wales to Fredericton N.B., datelined folded letter with "Swansea, NO 5, 1818" cds and manuscript "2/2" rating for 1s3d packet plus 9d inland postage, carried by Montague to Bermuda arriving Dec. 27th, and then to New York arriving Jan. 7th, overland to St. John with "St. John, FE 6 1819" fleuron backstamp, manuscript "2N5 Packet" cy. rating as 2s2d conversion, 25¢ U.S. postage converted as "1N3 Am" and "7" d.cy. inland plus "2" d.cy., totalled to "4N5" rating, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
An unusual routing, if the letter had been carried from Bermuda to Halifax on the HMS "Grasshopper", it would have cost 3s4d cy. instead of 4s5d via New York.
Lot 1195
Nova Scotia, 1819 (Feb. 5) Exeter, England to Lunenburg N.S., folded letter with red "Exeter, 5 FE 5, 1819, 176" cds and red manuscript "P 1/11" prepaid rating for 1s3d packet plus 8d internal postage, carried by Swiftsure via Bermuda arriving Mar. 28th, then by H.M.Sloop Cyrene to Halifax, "Halifax, AP 6, 1819" fleuron with manuscript "7" d.cy. inland postage, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.