Mexico, 1872, Hidalgo imperf, 6c green, block of four, San Luis Potosi, unwatermarked, cons 37-72, tied by two strikes of San Luis Potosi circular handstamps (Schatzkes 1460) on 1872 folded letter to Mezquite; light file fold affecting right pair, otherwise Very Fine, a scarce block of four usage. Scott No. 93 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $140

Lot 2101 o
Mexico, 1872, Hidalgo imperf, 12c blue, Jilotepec, unwatermarked, cons 21-72, very thick paper, neat oval cancel, full margins, Very Fine. Follansbee No. 88 $200+.Scott No. 94 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90

Lot 2102 o
Mexico, 1872, Hidalgo imperf, 12c blue, Jilotepec, unwatermarked, cons 21-72, oval Jilotepec cancel (Schatzkes 651), Very Fine, only 200 sent; with 1988 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.Scott No. 94 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $120

Lot 2104 o
Mexico, 1872, Hidalgo imperf, 25c red, Durango, unwatermarked, cons 15-73, town cancel, unusual and very distintive brownish red color, Very Fine, an extremely rare color variety, even 1872 issue specialist Karl Schimmer had never seen another of this color variety; with 1984 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.Scott No. 95 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150
Mexico, 1874-83 Hidalgo Profile Issue, Monterrey District, mounted collection of 85 stamps including 50c (10) and 100c (7), also 15 covers, generally F.-V.F (no photo). Scott No. 105//122; $535 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260

Mexico, 1874, Hidalgo Profile, 5c brown, Queretaro, cons 1978, tied by oval Queretaro handstamp (Schimmer QRO 15/9) on wrapper to Guanajuato, with Gobierno Del Estado Libtre Y Soberano official eagle cachet, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 106 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

Mexico, 1874, Hidalgo Profile, 10c black, Tampico, cons 40-76, tied by blue Tampico oval date stamp on 1877 folded letter sheet to Bordeaux, France via New Orleans and N.Y. endorsed "pr City of Merida", with "Ship" oval and "T" in circle handstamp, blue "35" accountancy for U.S. and manuscript "1f05c" rating due for unpaid letter, transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine, ex-Schimmer. Scott No. 107 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $325

Mexico, 1874, Hidalgo Profile, 10c black, Tampico, cons 40-77, tied by blue Tampico oval date stamp on 1877 folded letter sheet to Bordeaux, France via New Orleans and N.Y. endorsed "Americana", with "Ship" oval and "T" in circle handstamp, blue "35" accountancy for U.S. and manuscript "1f05c" rating due for unpaid letter, transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine. Scott No. 107 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $290

Mexico, 1874, Hidalgo Profile, 10c black, Tampico, cons 40-76, tied by light blue Tampico oval date stamp on 1876 folded letter sheet to Bordeaux, France endorsed "Por Vapor Americano" and blue Via New York, sent via French packet with transit and receiving backstamps, "T" in triangle handstamp and "19" decimes due handstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 107 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $130