Lot 1995 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 1r & 2r issues, Jalapa, both with full margins, Very Fine. Follansbee No. 18-19 $285.Scott No. 22, 23b Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90

Lot 1996 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 1r ultramarine, Morelia, out-of-district oval negative Acambaro cancel (Schatzkes 1273), F.-V.F., some 1st Period 1rs were "loaned" to Acambaro which is actually in Queretaro district.Scott No. 22 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90

Lot 1997 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 1r ultramarine, Puebla, rimless oval Yzucar cancel (Schatzkes 1216), large margins, Very Fine and choice, illustrated in Pietsch.Scott No. 22 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $130

1998 (
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 1r ultramarine, Queretaro, ample to large margins, tied by neat strikes of fancy oval Salamanca handstamp (Schatzkes 1330) on cover front to Guanajuato; file fold affecting stamp, otherwise Very Fine, very attractive. Scott No. 22 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $220

Lot 1999 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 1r & 2r issues, Zacatecas, 1r & 2r 1st Period cancelled Sombrerete (Schatzkes 1915) plus a 2r (cut-in) cancelled Fresnillo (Schatzkes 1869), the 1r has a small scissors cut at upper left but is otherwise a brilliant copy, F.-V.F.Scott No. 22, 23b Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90

Lot 2000 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 1r ultramarine, without district overprint (Zacatecas), mute "0" cancels (Schatzkes 1930) and bar between (unlisted) of Aguascalientes, Very Fine, only 50 sent.Scott No. 22b Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $325

Lot 2001 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 2r orange, Huejutla, bold oval Tuxpan cancel (Schatzkes 580), just in at bottom, light crease, Fine appearance, a rare stamp. Follansbee No. 19 $350.Scott No. 23b Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $110

Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 2r orange, Jalapa, huge margins showing plate guideline in right margin, tied by neat Jalapa cds on 1864 folded letter to Mexico, an Extremely Fine gem. Scott No. 23b Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $160

Lot 2003 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 2r orange, Puebla, oval Tecamachalco cancel (Schatzkes 1228), ample to large margins, Very Fine and choice, an outstanding example, illustrated in Pietsch.Scott No. 23b Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $150

Mexico, 1864, Eagle (1st Period), 2r orange, Queretaro, tied by bold boxed Apaseo handstamp (Schatzkes 1283) on 1864 folded letter to Mexico, receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 23b Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $150