Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 2r yellow green, Mazatlan, single usages; cover with Cosala wreath (Schatzkes 756, Taylor 8/3) and red Sinaloa (Schatzkes 782, Taylor 26/2) on cover front, latter with plate 2 stamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 3 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 2r yellow green, Mexico, tied on piece by oval Tacubaya sub-office cancel (Schatzkes 1571), full margins, Very Fine and choice, this being The Only Known 1856 Issue Used From This Rare District, Follansbee did not list this district as only 30 two reales were used and none recorded until now, with 515 sent and 489 returned (469 +20); with 2017 M.E.P.S.I. certificate. Scott No. 3 Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $4,500

1933 (
Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 2r emerald, Apam, plate 1, without gum, Very Fine. Scott No. 3b Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $90

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 4r red, Guadalajara, large margins, natural pre-printing fold, tied to folded letter to Guadalajara by red Tepic boxed handstamp (Schatzkes 409), Very Fine, beautiful and rare this nice. Scott No. 4 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

1935 (
Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 4r red, Mazatlan, without gum, large to huge margin showing full plate guideline at left, Superb, rarely encountered so large. Scott No. 4; $175 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180

Lot 1936 o
Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 4r red, Mazatlan, with district overprint on left side (usually on right), horizontal pair, red Mazatlan box datestamp cancel (Schatzkes 739), rich bright color, F.-V.F.; with 1998 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.Scott No. 4 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $230

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 4r red, Queretaro, with conspicuous re-entry at bottom, large part o.g., large balanced margins and deep color, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 4 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $200

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 4r red, bisect, Guanajuato, left portion of stamp tied by Yrapuato boxed handstamp (Schatzkes 494) on cover front to Mexico, F.-V.F., a rare combination; signed J.K. Bash. Scott No. 4a Estimate $200 - 300.

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 4r Red, Zacatecas, Vertical Bisect, tied to folded cover by Sombrerete straight line (Schatzkes 1912, Taylor ZA-32/5), addressed to Durango; cover with tiny tear at top, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 4a Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

1940 (
Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 8r red lilac, Mazatlan, Mazatlan box datestamp cancel in black (Schatzkes 739), Very Fine; with 1983 M.E.P.S.I. certificate. Scott No. 5 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150