(Railroad) Daily Times Steam Printing Office, Cincinnati, allover caricature design showing Steam Locomotive Printing Press with "Office of the Daily and Dollar Weekly Times" imprint below, on fresh buff cover to Armstrong Mills, O., franked with 1851, 3¢ dull red tied by bold blue "Cincinnati, O., Mar 2" cds, Extremely Fine and choice, a magnificent illustrated design. Scott No. 11A Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $4,500

(Railroad) L.M. Rumsey & Co., Pumps, Fire Engines & Railway Supplies, St. Louis, Mo., gray allover illustrated design showing Waterfront View, on cover franked with 3¢ green tied by fancy "US" handstamp, matching "Saint Louis, Mo., Dec 27" cds alongside; cover reduced at right, Very Fine. Scott No. 158 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50

(Railroad) N. & A. Middleton, red illustrated ad design showing Railcar Wheels on Tracks, on cover franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (natural s.e.) tied by "Phila., Station K" cds and fancy negative Anchor duplex, Very Fine. Scott No. 65 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140

(Railroad) The Pathfinder Railway Guide, Boston, Mass., red allover illustrated design showing Locomotive and Railcars View, franked with 3¢ green tied by Boston, Mass. cds and geometric duplex, Very Fine. Scott No. 158 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $210

(Safes) Valentine & Butler, Fire & Burglar Proof Safes, New York, tan allover illustrated design showing Burglars Breaking Into Safe as Policeman Pears In at Right, on fresh cover to New Orleans, La. (Buchanan, Hoy & Co. correspondence) franked with 1857, 3¢ dull red tied by "New York, Feb 17" cds, Very Fine and choice, a magnificent illustrated design, pictured in Chase's 3¢ book (page 357), ex-Chase. Scott No. 26 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $475

(Scientific) Sawyer's Improved Observatory Co., Boston, Mass., bluish green illustrated ad showing Observatory Scene, on cover franked with 1873, 2¢ brown tied by "Philadelphia, Pa., Oct 22" cds and cork duplex, Very Fine. Scott No. 157 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90

(Sewing) Florence Sewing Machine Co., New York, gray illustrated allover design showing Store Front and Factory Views, on locally addressed cover franked with 1870, 2¢ red brown tied by "New York City Delivery, C, Apr 6" cds and negative "C" in circle duplex, Very Fine. Scott No. 146 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70

(Sewing) Grober & Baker, Sewing Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., gray illustrated shaded ad showing Women at Sewing Machine, on cover frank3ed with 1870, 6¢ carmine tied by "Pittsburgh, Pa., Jun 30" cds and fancy star in circle duplex; slight cover reductions at sides, Very Fine. Scott No. 148 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80

(Sewing) Howe's Sewing Machines Depot, N.Y., gray allover illustrated ad design showing Factory View with "Elias Howe Jr." Steamboat in Foreground, on cover franked with 1868, 3¢ red, F. grill (s.e. at bottom) tied by "Bridgeport, N.Y., May 29" cds and grid duplex, original 1868 enclosure; slightly reduced at right, Very Fine. Scott No. 94 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

(Sewing) Howe's Sewing Machines Depot, N.Y., gray allover illustrated ad design showing Factory View with "Elias Howe Jr." Steamboat in Foreground, on cover franked with 1869, 3¢ ultramarine tied by "Bridgeport, N.Y., Dec 30" cds and grid duplex, original 1869 enclosure, Very Fine. Scott No. 114 Estimate $200 - 300.
Elias Howe Jr. was an American inventor best known for his creation of the modern lockstitch sewing machine.