(Printing & Publishing) Argus and Patriot, Montpelier, Vt., allover shaded ad on three 1870-90's covers in colors blue, red and green (each design slightly different), franked with 2¢ or 3¢ Banknote and tied by Montpelier, Vt. duplex postmark, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80

(Printing & Publishing) Argus Patriot, Montpelier, Vt., blue shaded ad on cover to North Montpelier, Vt., franked with 1873, 2¢ brown, pair + 1881, 1¢ gray blue, pair canceled by quartered cork cancels, matching "Montpelier, Vt., Apr 8" cds, Very Fine. Scott No. 157+206 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80

(Printing & Publishing) Arkansas State Gazette, Little Rock, Arkansas, violet illustrated shaded ad showing Man Operating Printing Press, on cover to Fayetteville, Ark. franked with 1857, 3¢ dull red tied by "Little Rock, Ark., Aug 9" cds, Very Fine. Scott No. 26 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $350

(Printing & Publishing) The Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser, gray allover illustrated shaded ad design showing Three-Story Printing Press, franked with 1873, 3¢ green tied by "Baltimore, Md., Jul 31" cds; cover slightly reduced at right, Very Fine. Scott No. 158 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $40

(Printing & Publishing) The Bangor Daily News, Bangor, Maine, red illustrated ad design showing Barefoot News Boy, on cover to Sweden franked with 1890, 5¢ chocolate tied by 1891 Bangor, Me. duplex postmark, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 223 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $80

(Printing & Publishing) Boston Journal, Boston, allover illustrated shaded ad showing Two-Story Printing Press, on two covers, one in gray and other in tan, each franked with 1861, 3¢ rose with red Boston, Mass. cds alongside, one tied by grid and other by "Paid" handstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 65 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $60

(Printing & Publishing) Boston Journal, Boston, allover illustrated shaded ad showing Two-Story Printing Press, on two covers, one in tan and other in blue, each franked with 1869, 3¢ ultramarine tied by Boston cds and cork duplex, Very Fine. Scott No. 114 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $80

(Printing & Publishing) Chas Scribner, Publishers & Booksellers, New York, brown illustrated ad design showing Books and Globe with listing "New Books for 1867-68", on cover franked with 1863, 2¢ black tied by "New York, Sep 5" cds and quartered cork duplex, Very Fine. Scott No. 73 Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $200

(Printing & Publishing) Chautauqua Literary & Scientific Circle, black and green allover ad design showing Monogram & Hall of Philosophy View, on cover franked with 2¢ red brown tied by "Plainfield, N.J., Dec 1" cds and grid duplex, ad text on reverse; small cover tear at top, Very Fine. Scott No. 210 Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $40

(Printing & Publishing) The Courant, Almanac For 1873, Hartford, Conn., intact almanac with multicolored floral bordered front, with small local address label and franked with 1870, 1¢ ultramarine tied by circle of wedges cancel, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 145 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500