Newport, R.I. Stampless Collection, 1791-1800s, collection approximately 175 stampless covers, range of postmarks, rate markings, rates, etc., includes two 1791 "NEW PORT" straightlines, 1796 "Newport" manuscript postmark, numerous fancy oval postmarks in green, red and blue, one olive green oval with fancy old-English "PAID" handstamp, fancy red oval with outlined "6" rating handstamp, some 1815 War surcharge rate covers, few free franks, few ship and steamboat handstamped letters, forwarded mail, etc., F.-V.F., a remarkable collection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,150

Providence R.I. "40" Cent California Ratings, red and blue cds's with matching slanted "40" ratings from the William Reynolds correspondence to San Francisco Cal.; red no flap, Very Fine and scarce pair of 40¢ rate usages, the blue is unlisted by ASCC. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

Providence, R.I. Stampless Collection, 1790s-1800s, collection over 240 stampless covers, range of postmarks, rate markings, rates, etc., includes several 1790s "PROVIDENCE" straightlines, 1801 "Prov R.I." first Federal cds, some 1815 War surcharge rate covers and one 1816 Restored rate, few Postmaster free franks, few steamboat letters, 1¢ drop rates, 2¢ circular rates, forwarded mail, etc., F.-V.F., a remarkable collection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,000

Rhode Island - California Mail, group of 6 covers comprising two Providence red "40" cent ratings to San Francisco, "Wakefield R.I., May 1" cds with red "10" rating to Nevada City Cal., Nevada City "3 Paid" cds on gray cover to Wakefield R.I., San Francisco Cal. red cds and "Paid" "40" ratings on cover endorsed "pr Steamer Tennessee" to Providence, and San Francisco black cds with "80" framed handstamp on double-rate cover to Providence, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

Rhode Island Cross Border Mail, 1860s, group of 5 including Warren R.I. blue cds and "Paid" "10" rating mourning cover to London C.W. with red "U.States" exchange marking, 1854 Providence R.I. with "Paid 10" rating and exchange markings to New Brunswick, 1856 Ormstown L.C. incoming to Providence via "Rutland Vt." cds, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

Rhode Island Express Mail, group of 10 covers and four receipts with labels, includes blue "Kinsley's Express, Newport R.I., Jun 1, 1868" double-circle datestamp on cover to Canton Mass., 1850 San Francisco Cal. letter to Providence endorsed per "Adams & Co. Express", "Per Earles Express" endorsement on 1852 folded letter from Boston to Pawtucket, 5 Ross Express usages with various ratings, purple Harnden Express Providence envelope sent locally, receipts include New York & Boston Despatch Express Company black on yellow label, 1889 "By U.S. Ex. Co." brown on white label, 1897 "Ship This Order by Carry's Newport Express" handstamp, and 1881 purple "Return Goods by New York & Boston Despatch Express Co., Boston" circular handstamp, etc.; some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.

Rhode Island Inbound Colonial Mail, 1742-1786, group of 18 with mostly Vernon, Brown or Ward correspondence mail to Newport or Providence, including 1742 "B 1/2" to Newport, 1743 "B 2/4" to Newport, 1748 "Bo 2/4" to Newport, 1749 "NY 2" ms. postmark to Newport, 1749 "Bo 7/" to Newport, 1767 "New/York" two-line postmark and "3.8" rating to Newport, also folded letters without postal markings, etc.; some mixed condition, F.-V.F. group. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Rhode Island Inbound Mail, 1792-1800s, group of over 36 covers including some better, note 1789 "Baltimore. May 9" straightline to Newport, 1792 "Alex, Feb 3" straightline and "6.16" rating to Providence, 1799 "New York" clamshell postmark to Providence, 1806 "N London" fancy red cds with ornament and "Paid" handstamp to Providence, 1838 "Galesburgh Mich." postmark to Tiverton, 1811 "Hampton Va." red ms. postmark with "20" rating to Providence, "Natcz. M.T." cds on 1817 folded letter to Providence, 1829 "Taunton. Ms. Aug 24" straightline to Newport, 1844 "Apalachicola F.T." red cds with matching "25" rating handstamp to Providence, 1815 "Alexa Ca" with red ms. "30" war rating to Providence, 1860s Civil War soldier letters (3), and 1830s Express Mail from New Orleans and Charleston (1), etc.; some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.

Rhode Island Incoming Ship Mail, 1794-1800s, better balance of 39 covers including 1811 "Norfolk Va.," cds and red manuscript. "Sh 27" rating from Liverpool to Providence, 1823 "Salem Ms." red cds and "Ship" handstamp rating "12" from Italy to Providence, several New York clamshell postmarks including 1801 "Sh 30" from Bordeaux to Providence and 1803 "Sh 19" from Suriname, 1794 "Balt * Dec 16" straightline and "Sh 48" rating from Copenhagen to Providence; 1809 "Portsmouth, N.H., Octr 31" two-line postmark with small "SHIP" handstamp and "14½" rating to Providence, 1833 prices current from Havana with "Norfolk Va" red cds and "Ship" h.s. "27" rating to Providence, 1839 "Sag Harbor" red cds and "Ship" handstamp with "20¾" rating from Java to Providence, etc. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Rhode Island Incoming Steamship Mail mostly from Cuba, 1850s-60s, group of 17 with various steamship rate markings inc. "10", "Steamship 10", "Steamship 20", "Steamship 30 Cts" and "N.Y. Steamship 10" cds etc., note steamship endorsements of "Columbia", "Morro Castle" and "Eagle", note 1857 "R. Morison & Ca., Havana" blue forwarders handstamp, and includes 1866 Bristol R.I. to Havana with New York "Not Paid" framed handstamp and ms. "15" due rating, etc., F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.