1875, 1¢ Black on Buff, unwatermarked, with brown "J.R. Holcomb & Co., Mallet Creek, Medina Co., Ohio" illustrated advertising showing violin, with printed address lines, entered mails with purple "Mallet Creek, Ohio, Mar 17, 1880" duplex with encircled star fancy cancel to Washington N.Y., reverse with printed message, Very Fine and beautiful illegal advertising on face. Scott No. UX5 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $240

1875, 1¢ Black on Buff, with printed C.H. Stebbins Liquors illustrated building advertising on face, entered mails with "Woonsocket R.I., Dec 17" duplex to Boston Mass., 1879docketing at right, Fine and rare illegal advertising on face. Scott No. UX5 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $250