Mexico, 1884-85 Hidalgo Medallion Issue Selection, selection of high value rarities in great condition; includes a 5 pesos blue green Sc #230 with MEPSI cert (Sc $1,200), the largest multiple known (strip of 5 unused) of the 25c blue Sc # 173 ($1,125), a used strip of 3 of 5 pesos blue Sc # 163 ($900), and an impressive array of rare varieties: 2 pairs of 10c imperf Sc # 156a), 2 pairs and a block of 2c imperf Sc# 151a ($825), a block of 6 of 50c imperf Sc #160a ($450) and the rare 25c with COLECCION overprint; total Scott value $5,025. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,000

Mexico, 1886-87 Numeral Issue Group, with 14 items: includes rare private post card to Russia, a cover from Tubutama, Sinaloa with the stamp cut-to-shape, eight 20c dark violet (4 n.h. and one block of 4), unused block of 6 of 2c ledger lines o.g. Sc 202, two n.h. 4c imperf between Sc #215, 2 postal cards to rare destinations (Angola and Brazil), a U.S. postal card with a Mexican stamp, and others; stamps alone catalog $2,096. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425

Mexico, 1886-95 Numeral Issue on Cover, 18 covers and a half a dozen fronts; includes two 1888 1c on 2c Colima Provisional surcharge usages to Texas, scarce 5c ruled line perf 6x12 in combination with normal perf 12 on cover from Piaxtla (ex-Schimmer), other 5c ruled lines usage including Mazatlan to New York and another to San Francisco forwarded to Susanville, 10c on Hidalgo Express frank cover Matamoros to Puebla, other usages from town including San Ignacio and Batopilas, uprated 6c entire with additional 20c "Falta De Porte", etc.; interesting group. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

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Mexico, 1886-95 Numeral Issue Balance, eleven exhibit pages showing an excellent variety of cancels on ten covers (one registered), two express entires, four postal cards and 28 other items (stamps, pieces), among the scarcer is a violet oval Piaxtla (Taylor SIN 43/3) tied a 5c to cover, 5c postal card canceled with administrator's seal (fancy) of Canitas (Taylor ZAC 5/1), Puerto Angel (OAX 53/5) is also quite scarce, as is Petatlan, Guerrero, there is a page of mute cancels, couple of railroad cancels, but more impressive is a 10c cancelled J.V. Comfort, Steamer City of Sydney, generally F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450

Mexico, 1886-95 Numeral Issue Cover Balance, 40 covers and three postal cards, among the more interesting are an unrecorded type Huisquilucan (Mexico State), Puerto Angel (OAX 53/5), Hermanas, Coahila going to London, and two with mutes of Guaymas (42-V) and Mineral del Monte (unrecorded), generally F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $250

Mexico, 1886-95 Numeral Issue Usages, three covers unusual for their postal markings, one with 5c from Colima bears circular "despues de la hora" (received after hours), a 2c postal card up-rated 1c has two strikes of the circular "Havarr" (probably a carrier's mark), and a cover with 10c tied by superb strike of Ortiz (SON 60/3), Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

Mexico, 1886-95 Numeral Issue Cover Group, six covers and a front, all registered bearing sixteen stamps (8 different) including a pair of Scott 199, destinations include England, Austria, France and Germany, F.-V.F., attractive group. Estimate $150 - 200.
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Realized: $110

Mexico, 1895-99 Mulitas Issue Group, 19 items; includes $5 and $10 pesos singles Sc# 255, 256 ($1,390) one with a MEPSI cert., a cover with an US-Mexico mixed franking, 3 covers and 1 piece with mixed frankings Aguilitas-Mulitas (very rare probably no more than 50 exist), 3 postage due covers (one with "Nota Instructiva", one to Montreal), a striking registered cover with two 12c brown in 2 different colors, a rare used strip of 5 of 12c brown, a cover with a strip of 5 of 4c, and a 2c bisect on a wrapper Sc #243a ($250); attractive group. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $575

Mexico, 1899-1903 Aguilitas Issue Collection, neatly arranged in 2 binders in 96 protector sheets, most items come from the prestigious Schimmer collection, about 195 items (148 covers, 22 used postal cards and 25 fronts) from 1c-50c, 4 covers and 2 fronts bear the 50c, this is not an accumulation but a selection of better items, the fronts include 15 very attractive judiciary wrappers showing the business documents rate and a $1.15 paid with mostly 15c stamps, 48 items have 3 or more stamps, many covers are bicolor and 9 are tricolor, several are striking, although the basic rates were 5c and 10c, 25 items paid a postage of more than 20c, rates include the uncommon solo usages of 1c and 2c stamps, the rare Muestra rate, 4 postage dues and 2 unusual covers with 1908 suplementario stamps, 120 items are to foreign countries including Cuba, New Zealand, Belgium, Japan, Rome, Peru, Chile, Luxemburg, Denmark, Hungary, Norway, Australia, Austria and Sweden, domestic include small town cancels: Mina, Hornos, La Ojuela, Chilac, Casino Aleman, Tochimilco, Ventana, Baja California (Santa Rosalia, Tijuana, Ensenada), Ameca, Huamantla, Minillas, Tepeaca, Sain Alto, Rio Verde, Magdalena, Omitlan, Cañitas, Totimehuacan, Calpulalpa, Huachinango, Chiautla and Tapachula, the collection includes 275+ stamps (many unused) of all denominations (1c-5 pesos), a 2c red bisect from Tijuana and a 10c violet with the rare MUESTRA overprint. Scott No. 294//309 Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,700