Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), 3c brown, Mexico, cons 71-1865 (200 issued), o.g., margins large to just shaving at lower left, bright and fresh, F.-V.F. and attractive. Scott No. 18 $1,300.
Realized: $350

831 (
Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), 3c brown, Mexico, cons 157-1865 (100 issued), without gum, margins ample to in at top, small thin, Fine appearance; signed Jaretzky. Scott No. 18 $1,300.

Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), ½r lilac, Campeche, cons 164-1865, tied on piece by Campeche boxed date stamp cancel (Schatzkes 57), F.-V.F., only 200 sent with few survivors, illustrated in Pietsch (page 98). Follansbee No. 35 $250+. Scott No. 20 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), ½r lilac, Guadalajara-Tepic, cons 24-1865, sub 21, showing massive plate flaw from position 71, tied on piece by neat oval Tepic cancel (Schatzkes 417), Very Fine and choice, a lovely showpiece. Scott No. 20 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

Lot 834 o
Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), ½r lilac, Guadalajara-Zapotlan, four singles with sub-numbers; 24-1865 sub 15, 131-1865 sub 43, 155-1865 sub 52 and 211-1865 sub 2, Very Fine. Follansbee No. 35 $240+.Scott No. 20 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $260

Lot 835 o
Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), ½r lilac, Guanajuato, three singles with sub-numbers used from Leon; 58-1865 sub 56, 130-1865 sub 73 and 215-1865 sub 9, Very Fine overall.Scott No. 20 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230

Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), ½r lilac, horizontal pair, Guanajuato, cons 215-1865, tied by Guanajuato cds (Schatzkes 483) on 1866 folded letter sheet to Leon; file fold affecting left stamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 20 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Lot 837 o
Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), ½r lilac, Oaxaca, cons 108-1865, sub 44, bold strike of boxed Huahuapan cancel (Schatzkes 1044), full even margins, Very Fine and choice, rare and beautiful, ex-Pietsch.Scott No. 20 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

Lot 838 o
Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), 1r blue, Chalco, cons 12-1865, sub 8, sharp bold strike of fancy Yautepec eagle cancel (Schatzkes 107), Very Fine.Scott No. 21 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

Mexico, 1865, Eagle (4th Period), 1r blue, Chalco, cons 195-1865, sub 5, wide margins, tied by circular Morelos handstamp with boxed Cuautla date stamp alongside (Schatzkes 94 & 97), on 1866 folded letter sheet to Mexico, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 21 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $400