251 (
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 1d orange vermilion, perf 13, Large Star watermark, without gum, well centered with perfs clear of design, rich vivid color on bright paper, Extremely Fine and choice, stunning gem; with 2011 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 16a. Campbell Paterson No. A1f (1). SG No. 68 £2,750 ($3,800).
Realized: $2,000

Lot 252 o
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 1d orange vermilion, perf 13, double perfs in left sheet margin, Large Star watermark, barred oval corner cancel, attractive centering, strong bold color, Very Fine, an unusual variety; with 2011 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 16a var. Campbell Paterson No. A1f (1).SG No. 68 var. £350 for normal ($480).
Realized: $625

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 1d carmine vermilion, perf 13, Large Star watermark, o.g., hinge remnant, rich deep color, bright and fresh, Very Fine, very scarce; with 2013 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 16. Campbell Paterson No. A1f (2). SG No. 69 £2,750 ($3,800).
Realized: $1,500

254 (
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d slate blue, perf 13, Large Star watermark, plate I showing slight early plate wear, regummed, well centered, deep color, Very Fine; with 1989 R.P.S.N.Z. (for S.G. 70) and 2011 Odenweller certificates. Scott No. 17b. Campbell Paterson No. A2e (3). SG No. 71 £750 ($1,040).
Realized: $1,050

Lot 255 o
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d slate blue, perf 13, Large Star watermark, showing slight plate wear, barred oval cancel, strong bold color, Fine, a very attractive example of the 1862 2d Dunedin perf 13 issue as virtually all examples are found poorly centered; with 2014 Behr and Odenweller certificates. Scott No. 17b. Campbell Paterson No. A2e (3).SG No. 71 £750 ($1,040).

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d deep blue, perf 13, Large Star watermark, rich color, tied by "Dunedin, No 15, 64" cds and barred "Otago" duplex on cover to Nelson, with "Deficient Postage 2d/Fine_2d" form handstamp and ratings with "4" pence due handstamp, "Nelson, No 18, 64" receiving postmark, Very Fine and choice, an attractive insufficiently paid letter usage, ex-Dumas; with 2014 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 17 var. Campbell Paterson No. A2e (8). SG No. 72 var. Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $550

257 (
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d blue, perf 13, Large Star watermark, showing slight plate wear, without gum, beautifully centered for this extremely difficult issue, with intact perforations all around, rich color, Very Fine and choice, an exceptional mint stamp; with 2015 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 17. Campbell Paterson No. A2e (5). SG No. 72 £650 ($900).
Realized: $625

258 (
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d brown lilac, perf 13, Large Star watermark, without gum, strong bright color, very fresh, Very Fine, a rare stamp in mint condition; with 2003 R.P.S.N.Z. and 2014 Odenweller certificates. Scott No. 18. Campbell Paterson No. A3b. SG No. 74 £2,750 ($3,800).
Realized: $2,500

Lot 259 o
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 3d brown lilac, perf 13, Large Star watermark, barred "25" in oval of Queenstown, wide margins with perfs well clear of design all around, strong color, an Extremely Fine jumbo, a remarkable and rare full margin example of the 1862 3d Dunedin perf 13 issue; with 2014 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 18. Campbell Paterson No. A3b.SG No. 74 £500 ($690).
Realized: $475

Lot 260 o
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, perf 13, imperf vertically, Large Star watermark, circular barred "Otago" cancel, wide margins at sides showing significant portions of adjacent stamps, deep rich color, Very Fine, an extremely rare 1862 6d Dunedin perf 13 issue lacking vertical perforations, ex-Hackmey; with 2006 R.P.S. and 2013 Odenweller certificates. Scott No. 19 var. Campbell Paterson No. A5c (3).SG No. 77 var.; £120 for normal ($170) Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $700