Cuba, (Catalonia Surcharges) 1835 (May 7) Mantazas, Cuba to Barcelona, Spain, datelined folded letter with red "YNDIAS" straightline (type H, 1826-1848) struck at Cadiz, manuscript "5" reales de vélon due rating for up to 5 adarmes plus "4" Maravedies Carlist War surcharge (1834-36), letter punctured with paddle in form of stars (seven concentric slits) and fumigated at the sick bar in Mahon, red Barcelona "B, Ato 5" arrival (8.5) backstamp, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $300 - 400.
The Carlist War Surcharge (1833-40) was an extra fee of 4 Maravedies (1 Cuarto) on letters from outside of Spain addressed to the province. It was imposed due to the decree of Captain General of Catalonia, Llauder, from April 8, 1834 to January 7, 1836.
Realized: $325

Cuba, (Catalonia Surcharges) 1841 (Mar. 15) Havana, Cuba to Santander, Spain, datelined folded letter with blue "Islas De Barlovento" two-line handstamp (type 8, 1830-45) struck at La Coruna, black "5", "Rs." and "1" rating handstamps for 5 reales de vélon postage due for up to 5 adarmes plus 1 Cuarto war tax (4 Maravedies), Very Fine and scarce combination. Estimate $200 - 300.
The 1 Cuarto (4 Maravedies) was tax was imposed due to the Regional decree (Diputacion of Cantabria) from July 1835 to January 1843.

Cuba, (Catalonia Surcharges) 1843 (Feb. 24) Mantazas, Cuba to Mahon, Spain, part-printed folded letter with red "Islas De / Barlovento" (type 3, 1795-1855) struck in Cadiz with manuscript "6" Reales de vélon due rating for a single letter up to 5 adarmes plus "8" Maravedies road tax (2 Cuartos), clean and Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Road tax was set up in 1843 for Catalonia of 1 Cuarto. Some administrations continued to apply this tax at 2 Cuartos (8 Maravedies) instead of 1 Cuarto.

Cuba, (Military and Charity Mails to Cuba), 1839-1851, folded cover and cover front, 1839 with red crowned "Valencia, Del Cid" handstamp addressed to the "Regimento de Leone" on Cuba, shipped by the Empresa with "E" oval handstamp; 1851 cover front to Havana with "Nunciatura Apostolica, Madrid" circular handstamp with blue "24" real de vélon due handstamp for heavy letter up to 23 adames, F.-V.F. pair. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $150

Cuba, (Official Mail) 1836, Madrid, Spain to Havana, Spain, two folded covers with "Sello Negro" seal handstamps, Aug. 10th folded cover from Queen Isabel II to the archbishop in Havana with "8" Reals de vélon due handstamp for the 2nd weight class; second letter from King Ferdinand VII to Havana with manuscript "8 R" and "8" Reals de vélon due handstamp for the 2nd weight class, Very Fine pair. Estimate $300 - 400.
The black oval handstamp are known as "Sello Negro", or black seal in Spain, although it is also sometimes found in red. Their use began approximately in 1715 to guarantee Free Frank on official letters. In 1800, any Free Franking privilege was revoked, although the "Sello Negro" was still struck. Even the Royal family had to pay the postage.

Cuba, (Official Mail) 1858 (Mar. 6) La Coruna, Spain to Havana, Cuba, datelined folded letter bearing Spain ½ oz. and 1 oz. Officials tied by grid cancels, Coruna (3.6) cds, sharp "Regencia De La Audiencia De La" oval seal handstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
A special stamp for official mail came in use in Spain from 1854 up to about 1868, which for technical reasons became possible not until 1858 for Cuba.

1563 (
Cuba, (Official Mail) 1862 Havana, Cuba to Miranda de Duero, cover front bearing Spain ½ oz. Official tied by grid cancel, oval Corps if the Engineers oval handstamp, Miranda del Duero (9.20.62) arrival cds on side flap, Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.

Cuba, Cuba to Spain, 1852-1855, four stampless covers comprising two non-contract letters and two carried by the Zagroniz Hermanos company, comprising 1852 Havana to Barcelona per "Caledonia" with blue "5R" reales and red "6ms." due handstamps; 1852 Havana to Cadiz endorsed per "Isabel la Catolica" with "5" reales due handstamp, 1854 Santiago de Cuba to Santander with black "2Rs." due handstamp, 1855 Havana to Madrid with blue "4R." reales due handstamp, Very Fine group. Estimate $150 - 200.
For a period up to 1854, the administration was unable to find a dependable contractor for mails to Spain.
Realized: $120

Cuba, Cuba to Spain via Messrs. Antonio Lopez y Cia. Line, 1862-75, group of 17 franked covers bearing various issues, including 1862 Havana to Madrid with two ½r. blue singles for the double rate, 1863 Mantazas to Sevilla with 1r green vertical pair carried by "St. Domingo"; 1864 Mantazas to Palma de Mallorca carried as endorsed per "Principe Alfonso", etc., F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
Finally in 1861, the Spanish Administration found a reliable and dependable shipping company - Messrs. Antonio Lopez y Cia. This firm was prepared to operate a subsidized (590,000 reales for each two round trips) bimonthly service between Cadiz and Havana via the Canary Islands, Puerto Rico and Santo Domingo. This agreement was confirmed by the Real Orden of Sep. 11th 1861.
Realized: $375