(Butterfield Route) 1860 (c., Jun) Biddeford Me. to San Francisco Cal., cover bearing two 10¢ green (35) singles, different shades, tied by "Biddeford Me. Jun" cds, manuscript "Overland Mail Via St. Louis" directive at top; reduced slightly at left; right stamp minor flaw at top left, Very Fine and rare double-rate Butterfield cover, ex-Kramer. Scott No. 35 Estimate $500 - 750.
There are only 12 recorded east to west Butterfield covers, this is the only recorded double-rate example.
Realized: $550

New York & California Steam Ship Line for San Francisco., illustrated C. Morgan Agent corner card showing steamship on orange cover to Washington, N.Y., "New-York 'Ship 7 Cts' Nov 14" integral-rate due cds; some wear, Fine and scarce early version of design., ex-Hahn. Estimate $300 - 400.
This steamship line was taken over from Vanderbilt. (See Dec. 1996 Western Express).

(Via Tehauntepec) 1858 (Nov. 22) West Coast to Baltimore Md. via New Orleans La., 10¢ green (U58) entire cancelled by partial "New Orleans, La., Nov 22, 1858" cds to Baltimore, Md., endorsed "Via Tehuantepec" at lower left; entire restored, Fine and rare. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
In October 1858, a route was contracted as 8162 from San Francisco to New Orleans using a mixed steamboat and overland route via the Tehuantepec Isthmus in Mexico. Contracted at $250,000 for 12 months with twice a month service. The course of the route was by steamboat to either Acapulco or Salina Cruz, then overland by mule to Suchile, then by river boat to Minatitlan on the Caotzacoalcos River and then by steamboat to New Orleans, La. The route was little used as the section over the mountain range by mule created a long transit time. The total revenue collected for the route was just $5,276.66 and the route was not renewed in 1859. From October 1858 to March 1859, the "Quaker City" was used on the New Orleans to Minatitlan portion of the route. A total of 25 covers endorsed as going "Via Tehuantepec" are recorded in the census. This entire was apparently posted on board the ship while en route to New Orleans.
Realized: $1,800