Lot 583
Airmail, 1918, 24¢ carmine rose & blue, on first flight cover tied by "Philadelphia May 15, 1918" duplex cancel, to New York City, with enclosure from female aviation pioneer Clara Adams describing the new airmail service…I want to test out the new mail service by airplane which is inaugurated today. I suppose in the years to come it will be taken as a matter of course that letters and maybe passengers, shall travel by air, plus letter back describing the delivery of the letter, "the Air Mail letter was delivered about five o'clock…the postman who delivered it was wonderfully elated over the honor, it having been the only one delivered to the Washington Bridge Station", F.-V.F., a great historical item.Scott No. C3 Estimate $400 - 600.
Clara Adams, known as the "first flighter" and the "maiden of maiden flights", was an aviator who set a variety of flying records. She helped popularize air travel and is known for being the first women to fly across the Atlantic as a passenger aboard the Graf Zeppelin.
Realized: $550
Lot 584
Airmail, 1923, Second Issue, 8¢-24¢ complete, each tied by Washington D.C. First Day of Issue postmarks on separate fresh locally address covers in the same hand, 8¢ & 16¢ with slogan mahine postmark and 24¢ with duplex and additional Special Delivery handstamp, Very Fine and choice, a very attractive set.Scott No. C4-C6 $1,750.
Lot 585
Airmail, 1926, 10¢ Map & Planes, tied by "New York, Grand Central, Jun 20, 1941" duplex on cover forwarded to Havana, Cuba, originally mailed from France with France 25c green, 2F25c blue and 5F dark blue pair tied by "Castets en Dorthe, Gironde, 30-5 41" cds, New York "Due 8 Cents" duplex and precanceled U.S. 1¢, 2¢ 5¢ postage dues affixed, 2¢ faulty, Bermuda Examiner 1433 imperial censor label at left, Havana (6.21) arrival backstamp, Very Fine and scarce use.Scott No. C7 Estimate $150 - 200.
Lot 586
Airmail, 1930, Graf Zeppelin complete, each tied on separate flight cover (65¢ on card) by "Washington, D.C., Apr 19, 1930" First Day of Issue machine postmark, each bearing red German and appropriate purple U.S. flight cachet handstamps, all with green New York or Lakehurst Zeppelin "Round Flight" backstamp, Extremely Fine, a choice complete First Day of Issue set.Scott No. C13-C15 $2,900.
Realized: $1,100
Lot 587
Airmail, 1930, Graf Zeppelin complete, each on separate 1930 flight cover; 65¢ on picture post card from Milwaukee and $1.30 on airmail cover both with Lakehurst, N.J. flag machine cancel, $2,60 on legal size air cover with New York duplex tying, each with red German and purple U.S. flight cachets, a Very Fine set.Scott No. C13-C15 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450
Lot 588
Airmail, 1930, Graf Zeppelin complete, nicely centered set, tied by "New York N.Y., Varick St. Sta., Apr 28" duplexes on flown round-trip Zeppelin flight cover to New York N.Y., appropriate purple and red cachet handstamps, green New York (6.18) Zeppelin arrival backstamp, Very Fine.Scott No. C13-C15 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,200
Lot 589
Airmail, 1930, Graf Zeppelin complete, single of each tied on separate flown Zeppelin covers (65¢ on Zeppelin cachet postcard), matching 1930 Varick St. Sta., N.Y. postmarks, each appropriate flight cachets and green round flight backstamp, F.-V.F.Scott No. C13-C15 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $425
Lot 590
Airmail, 1930, 65¢ Graf Zeppelin, well centered, tied by "New York N.Y., Varick Sta., May 28, 1930" duplex on Zeppelin flown 1¢ postal card to Germany, appropriate purple Pan-American Round Flight cachet and red German cachet, Zeppelin captain label affixed, Very Fine.Scott No. C13 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $240
Lot 591
Airmail, 1930, 65¢ Graf Zeppelin, toed by Varick St. N.Y., May 28, 1930" machine cancel on Zeppelin flown post card to Germany, appropriate purple Pan-America Round Flight cachet and red German cachet, Very Fine.Scott No. C13 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100
Lot 592
Airmail, 1930, 65¢ Graf Zeppelin, plate number "20077" single used with 5¢ violet (C12), tied by "Miami, Fla. Apr 26, 1930" duplex on 5¢ airmail entire to Buenos Aires, Argentina, various backstamps including Canal Zone and Buenos Aires (5.7) arrival, returned after not picked up with purple "Return to Sender" handstamp, Very Fine.Scott No. C13 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $230