Lot 391
(Stencils) Addressee Corner Cards, group of nine stenciled corner card covers bearing addressee name and sometimes town; includes #11 use from Kentucky, #26 use from Pennsville, O., #65 usages including two scroll types and "Jeff Hartman, Coach Painter, Montoursville" (Pa.) tying stamp without postal markings, couple Banknote era usages and a 2¢ Blackjack use (missing stamp), Fine group.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160
Lot 392
(Stencils) Attorneys at Law, corner cards on five covers; two #11 usages from Wheeling, Va. and Perrysburg, O., #26 usages from Bainbridge, O. and Ringsgold, Ga. and a #65 use from Peru, Ind., nice range of styles, Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $290
Lot 393
(Stencils) Cancellation Balance, of 8 covers and cards and 10 off-cover stamps; off cover including stencil border design on 7¢ Banknote, partial Rock Falls, Ill. straight line postmark on #65, Curwinsville, Pa. "76" on 3¢ Banknote (on and off (2) cover), blue "L" on #65 (2), etc., cover including stencil-like items including Putnam, Con. fancy "Paid" (on and off cover), couple card usages with non-postal stencils, a "C.E. Williams, Olympia, W.T." corner card (thought to be an express mark), etc., F.-V.F.Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $325
Lot 394
(Stencils) Cassels & Taylor, Grocers, Black Hawk, C.T. (Colorado Territory), fancy corner card on cover franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (flaws) canceled by "Black Hawk Point, Col., Mar 15, 67" cds and target duplex, F.-V.F.Scott No. 65 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,600
Lot 395
(Stencils) Confederate 11-Star Patriotic Flag, red and blue patriotic design on cover to Augusta, Ga., pencil "Pd 10" rate notation with no other postal markings, docketed "July 19th, 1863" in pencil; cover tears and light toning, Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250
Lot 396
(Stencils) Corner Cards, group of thirteen stenciled corner card covers bearing addressee name and sometimes town; includes #11 usages from Philadelphia, Pa., Richmond, Va. & New York City including in blue on backflap, 1861-67 usages from Troy, O. (3¢ Star Die entire), Columbus, O., Butler, O., Buchanan, Mich. & Niagara Falls, N.Y., 1870 3¢ entire use from Mt. Hope, Kans. and two stampless (one handcarried & one foreign), generally F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260
Lot 397
(Stencils) Druggists, group of seven stenciled corner card covers; includes #11 usage with "P.W. Himes, Dealer In Drugs & Jewelery, New - Phila' O" corner card, #26 usages from Sidney, O., Skaneateles, N.Y., Tarlton, O. (two similar), large oval corner card from Portville, N.Y. with Free handstamps tying stamp, and a 1866 Iowa Point manuscript tying #65, Very Fine overall.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250
Lot 398
(Stencils) Eagle Cotton Gin Manufacturing, New Orleans, magenta corner card on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire canceled by "New Orleans, La., Dec 9" cds; hint of soiling, F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210
Lot 399
(Stencils) First Issue Revenue Cancels, four stencil cancels; includes complete "Mark C. Terry." name on 1¢ Express perf'd pair (R1c), complete large "A.W. Tucker" name on 2¢ U.S.I.R. perf'd pair and single (R15c), complete Custom House, Port of Loredo two line cancel on 25¢ Certificate perf'd (R44c) and "12:27:70" stencil cut date cancel on 2¢ U.S.I.R. perf'd (R15c), Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
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Realized: $170
Lot 400
(Stencils) Forwarded By, Durand & McKenzie, London, bold oval stencil forwarder cachet on fresh incoming folded letter datelined "London, August 28, 1841", manuscript "Great Western" ship endorsement at top, Very Fine and choice.Estimate $400 - 600.