Lot 154
(Spanish-American War) Soldier's Letter. / Collect postage from Address. / W.F. Dusseault, Chaplain, / 6th Regt. Mass. Vols., four-line handstamp on three covers, two with different patriotic designs, first from Washington D.C. Jun. 11th 1898 with "Due 2" and "Received Without Contents" handstamps to Wrentham, Mass.; second with "Key West, Fla. Jul 27 '98" cds to West Minot, Me., and last with "New York, N.Y. Aug 1 1898" machine cancel to Milford, Mass. with "N.Y. Due 2 Cents" circular handstamp and cork cancelled 2¢ postage due added; some faults, Fine trio of usages.Estimate $200 - 300.
Lot 155
(Spanish-American War) Military. Sta. No 1 N.Y., Cuba, crude double-oval handstamp on cover to New York City, endorsed "Soldier's Letter, George Robinson, Chaplain US Army, Chaplain H.S. Relief", "Due 2" straightline and 2¢ postage due tied by "New York, M.I. & R., 7-30 '98" duplex upon arrival; central vertical crease, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $280
Lot 156 ()
(Spanish-American War) NOT IN CUBA, Military Station No. 1, Cuba., purple two-line handstamp and pink manuscript. "whereabouts unknown" on cover front to Rev. Henry Swift, Chaplain 13th U.S. Infantry, Yellow Fever Camp, New Siboney, Cuba bearing 2¢ pink (279B) tied by "Easton, Pa. Aug - 4.8-AM-98" machine cancel, additional purple "NOT IN DIRECTORY 2" and "UNCLAIMED" handstamps, along with "Returned to Buffalo, N.Y.P.O., Oct 29 1898", "Dead Letter Office, Postage Stamps" framed handstamp, manuscript "Returned To Eaton Nov 28. 98" notation at bottom left; clipped corners for apparent fumigation, Very Fine and attractive use, ex-Hahn.Estimate $300 - 400.
The Yellow Fever Camp was set up in July 1898 by Marie Gorgas. Yellow fever was one of the most intimidating tropical diseases at the time, with mortality rates ranging from 10% to 60%. In 1898, experts believed "filth" caused many diseases including yellow fever. Thus, when the army departed the camp at Siboney, they burned everything to the ground including unused supplies. Despite efforts to sanitize Havana and other areas to control disease, yellow fever continued to threaten the American mission in Cuba. The Army set up a commission that conducted experiments in 1900, and found the true source of the disease was infected female mosquitoes.
Realized: $375
Lot 157
(Spanish-American War) 1898 (Aug.) Norfork, Va. to Cartagena, Spain, stampless cover with purple "Prisoner's Letter Censored and forwarded, Navy Department, Bureau of Navigation, Washington, D.C." five-line handstamp, reverse with Cartagena (8.15.98) arrival cds, Very Fine and scarce prisoner's letter, ex-Faulstich, Hahn.Estimate $300 - 400.
Admiral Cervena's fleet left Santiago Harbor on July 3rd. It was destroyed by ships of Acting Rear Admiral Sampson and Commodroe Winfield S. Schley. Three hundred and fifty-three Spaniards were killed and one hundred and fifty-one were wounded. Santiago, on July 17th, surrendered. The day before, on July 16th, the survivors of the Spanish Fleet - 1,654 officers and men - had arrived at Norfolk Va. They were all released on August 31st 1898.
Realized: $525
Lot 158
(Spanish-American War) Santiago de Cuba, Isla de Cuba, Ago 15 '98, bold cds ties 2¢ rose carmine (279B), top s.e., on patriotic cover endorsed "Camp near Santiago Cuba" to Lawrence, Mass., purple "Soldier's Letter. / Collect postage from Addressee. / P.B. Murphy, Chaplain. / 9th Regt. New York", Very Fine and scarce early use.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150
Lot 159
(Spanish-American War) Military Sta. 1, Santiago de Cuba, Aug 18, 98, bold strike of duplex with inverted year on Post Office Department penalty cover to Saginaw, Mich., "Reg. Business" crossed out and updated to "MOB", Very Fine and early penalty use.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200
Lot 160
[Spanish-American War] Richard Pearson Hobson, red and blue portrait patriotic cover to Lockhaven, Pa., purple endorsed soldier's letter handstamp and 1898 Harrisburg, Pa. machine postmark, Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $230
Lot 161
(Spanish-American War) Military Sta. No. 10, Havana, Feb 10, Cuba, N.Y.P.O. '99, sharp strike of C-4 duplex ties Cuba 2½c on 2¢ reddish carmine (223) on cover to Golden City, Mo., large purple "Soldier's Letter / 1st. Lt. 4th. Ill. Vol. Infty. / Commanding Co. K" three-line handstamp signed by officer, Feb. 19th arrival backstamp; light stain top right, F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260
Lot 162
(Spanish-American War) Military Sta. No. 10, Havana, Feb 10, Cuba, N.Y.P.O., sharp strike of C-6 duplex ties Cuba 2½c on 2¢ reddish carmine (223) on cover to New York, N.Y., "Capt. F. Stringfellow, Chaplain" oval handstamp, endorsed "Soldiers Letter" at top left, blue Feb. 16th receiver, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200
Lot 163
(Spanish-American War) Military Sta. 1, Porto Rico. Wash. D.C., Feb 14 '99, sharp strike of duplex on 2¢ green entire to Mattapan Mass., endorsed "Soldier's Mail, A.T. Anderson, Lt. Batty. M 7th Arty., Ponce P.R." at left, purple two-line "Capt. 7th Art'y., Comdg. Lt. Batty. M." handstamp and signed "M.M. Macomb", Mattapan (2.21) receiving backstamp, Very Fine, ex-Gallagher, Hahn.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150