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Sale 74: The Westpex Auction

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Rough & Ready - Documents & Letters

Lots 884-893

Lot 884    

"Rough and Ready, Cal Feb 16th 1851" (Nevada), dateline on interesting gray miner's letter to his brother "…We are making preparations now to start to the Mountains then we will have no chance to write unless we can send the letter by some friend to the Post Office… I believe a man with good luck will make money, but unless he can have luck he will not make money, and he must under go many hardships and privations to make any thing at all… the largest piece of Gold I have found since I have been here was worth forty two Dollars…", F.-V.F.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $150

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Lot 885    

"Rough and Ready. Apl. 23rd. 1851" (Nevada), dateline on great early miner's letter recapping trip from Sacramento to Rough & Ready reading in part "…we ae now at Rough and Ready on Deer creek a tributary of the Yuba, about 45 miles from Marysville and about 9 miles from Nevada City… March 14th Took a pretty early start, had a very pleasant ride, passed by Sutters fort, it is quite a sizeable fort built of adobies, though somewhat delapidated…the owner of the ranch advised us not to attempt to cross the mountains at present a the snow would probably be very deep, considering discression to be the better part of valour, we took his advice and turn back to Bidwells bar… saw a man that came down from the mountains, said the snow was 2ft deep and still snowing…we could hear nothing encouraging on the middle Feather where we were, we determined to go over on the Yuba at Long bar, kept at the river about 2 miles and stopped at Park bar, went 20 miles. As the miners did not seem to be doing much along here, we kept on higher and passed Barlows bar, crossed the river and soon after reached Roses bar…24th Pushed on again, reached Kentucky flat a little after noon… the diggings here are in a flat valley 4 to 8 ft deep, gold course and pays pretty well… Rough and Ready… here the diggings are in the ravines and washing the top dirt of the hills, a great many of the miners are doing wells, we hired out here at $5.00 pr day…"; separations and toning, Fine.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

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Lot 886    

"Rough & Ready, Cal. Novr. 8th 1856" (Nevada), dateline on miner's letter with great content concerning prices of provisions and political content reading in part: "…the Democrats has a large majority the state so far as I can learn has elected Deomcratic persons and old Buck. & Baack has a majority of 10,000 the Know Nothing Party will beat the Republican party as you see the Nigger worshippers is defeeted in Cal. do not think one Republican will be elected in all the state and I hope they meet with the same fate all over the Union…But if Freemont is elected all things will be free. Free trade, free speech, free press, and free Niggers…, Very Fine letter with excellent political content of the times.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Lot 887    

Rough and Ready, Cal. (Nevada) - Wells Fargo & Co. Express Exchange Note, 9" x 4.375", from "Rough & Ready, Cal. Jan. 2- 1856" paid to the order of "E.B. Comstock, Agent" at the office of the American Express Company in Pontiac Mich - One Hundred & fifty"; some creasing, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

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Lot 888    

Rough and Ready, Cal. (Nevada) - 1859 Gold Rush Letters, group of six datelined from Rough & Ready April 1859 to Sep. 1859 signed by James to Abby, some interesting content including: "affair occurred at Mooney Flats (a place a short distance beyond Rough & Ready) day before yesterday, between old Mr. Cague? and other parties the names of whom I did not known resulting, from a pistol shot by Mr. Cague?", Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

The 1850's were good years for the town, during which time it was the center of activity in the region. But as the gold slowly gave out in the creeks and on the flats, and after the fires of 1856 and 1859 nearly obliterated the town, leaving only twenty-four houses, the town declined almost as quickly as it had developed.

Realized: $300

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Lot 889    

Rough and Ready, Cal. (Nevada) "Ten Cents" Miner's Script, datelined "Debr 20th 1862" and "No. 60" and reading "Due the Bearer, Ten Cents, Redeemable in sums of One Dollar and upwards in Current Bank Notes, 10 Cts.", signed "Gabriel Herb"; creased and soiled, Fine and rare.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

These old California Miner's Scrips were printed due to lack of coins.

Current Opening Bid: $240

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Lot 890    

Rough and Ready, Cal. (Nevada) N.O.C.R.R. Company Omnibus Carriage Stage Ticket, black on blue illustrated ticket showing horse drawn Rough & Ready Omnibus carriage; crease and some wear, Very Fine and rare.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Current Opening Bid: $240

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Lot 891    

Rough and Ready, Cal. (Nevada) - 1868 $500 Mortgage, mortgage document for Mining Claim in the Mining District of Rough and Ready of 1233 feet "in the mining grounds of the Alta California Gravel Mining Company situated on Bunker Hill Rough and Ready Mining District Nevada County California", bearing 50¢ Mortgage (R59c), nick at lower left, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $130

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Lot 892    

Rough and Ready, Cal. (Nevada) - Rough and Ready Mining Company, two items, 1879 illustrated share certificate for 100 shares showing miner vignette and "Bodie Min'g Dist., Mono Co. Cal." imprint, 7.75" x 4.2"; and 1895 printed San Francisco office letterhead for "Mining Lease" reading "This indenture made this 14th day of Feb'y A.D. 1895. between J.C. Caldwell of Gold Hill, Storey Co. Nevada, lessor and J.P. Minederd of said Town, County and State aforesaid lessee, Witnesseth…", attached bottom letterhead for the Gold Hill Nev. office, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $425

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Lot 893    

Rough and Ready, Cal. (Nevada) - Consolidated Channel Mining Company Stock, illustrated 4.5"x 9" August 26, 1879 stock certificate issued to Charles C.A. Duisenberg for one share, signed by A.E. Eberhart, president and F. Delanza, secretary, vignette at top of dog guarding safe, embossed seal, Very Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $300

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Lots 884-893

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