Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), ½r lilac, Puebla, without district overprint, horizontal pair, cons 240-1864, large margins, tied by bold Puebla town cds (Schatzkes 1161) on 1865 folded letter to Texmelucan, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 20a Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525

Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), 1r ultramarine, Huejutla, cons 216-1864, 2 singles, tied by bold virtually complete strike of fancy Tuxpan oval cancel (Schatzkes 580), Extremely Fine, only 200 sent. Scott No. 22a Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $550

Lot 2787 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), 1r ultramarine, Soyaniquilpan, cons 184-1864, straight line Soyaniquilpan cancel (Schatzkes 1546), ample to large margins, Very Fine and choice, only 200 sent (NF$ 350); with 1999 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.Scott No. 22a Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

Lot 2788 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), 1r ultramarine, Texcoco, without district overprint, cons 211-1864, box Texcoco cancel (Schatzkes 1623), Very Fine, only 200 sent; with 1999 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.Scott No. 22a var. Estimate $400 - 600.

Lot 2789 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), 1r ultramarine, Victoria, cons 221-1864, oval Victoria cancel (Schatzkes 1817), Very Fine, only eight recorded in the Pietsch census.Scott No. 22a Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400

Lot 2790 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), 2r orange, Mexico, cons 231-1864, socked-on-the-nose 1864 "Admin Gral Mexico" French Post cds (Schatzkes 838), ample to mostly large margins, Extremely Fine, a remarkable survivor with only 5 examples issues (Pietsch rarity K); with 2000 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.Scott No. 23 Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $4,000

Lot 2791 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), 2r orange, Tepecoacuilco, without district overprint, cons 193-1964, box Tepecoacuilco cancel (Schatzkes 1616AB), wide margins, Very Fine and choice, 363 sent but with only 3 examples recorded (Pietsch rarity J); with 1999 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.Scott No. 23d Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $600

Lot 2792 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), 4r green, Apam, cons 182-1864, sub 9, with small portion of district overprint at top edge, portion of Otumba cancel (Schatzkes 37), wide margins, Very Fine and choice, unrecorded and likely unique.Scott No. 24 var. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500

Lot 2793 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), 4r green, Cordova, cons 195-1864 with "updated" manuscript "6" in year from cancel, sub 17, boxed Huatusco cancel with manuscript date (Schatzkes 196), Very Fine, only 50 sent.Scott No. 24 var. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260

Lot 2794 o
Mexico, 1864, Eagle (3rd Period), 4r green, Zacatecas, cons 204-1864, straight line Xerez cancel (Schatzkes 1927), Very Fine, with only 50 sent.Scott No. 24 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325