Lot 2699 o
Mexico, 1856, First Issue, ½r blue (Cuernavaca or Tixtla), without district overprint, Tepecoacuilco box cancels, large margins and deep color, Very Fine.Scott No. 1b Estimate $300 - 400.

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 1r yellow, Mexico, horizontal pair, with manuscript cancel "Diciembre 12 de 1860" on entire folded letter whose contents suggest the origin is or near San Felipe del Obraje; light cover staining, F.-V.F., all usages from Mexico district sub-offices are rare and there are no manuscript cancels items from Mexico City itself. Scott No. 2 Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 1r yellow, Soyaniquilpan, in combination with 1856, 2r green, Soyaniquilpan on 1857 folded letter to Mexico, tied by Soyaniquilpan straight line postmark (Schatzkes 1547), with notation on backflap reading…This cover was opened by Antonio Escandon but contents are not for him., Very Fine and scarce, combination frankings from Soyaniquilpan are quite uncommon. Scott No. 2+3 Estimate $500 - 750.

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 1r yellow, Zacatecas, clear to huge margins, tied by Aguascalientes fancy "A" rhomboid cancel (Schatzkes 1929) on 1856 folded letter sheet to Durango, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 2 Estimate $200 - 300.

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 2r yellow green, Aguascalientes, short overprint, canceled by mute "0" cancel (Schatzkes 12) and used provisionally during the Eagle period on 1864 folded letter sheet to Guanajuato, matching Aguascalientes boxed date stamp (Schatzkes 11A), Very Fine, a very rare provisional usage of the 1856 2r from Aguascalientes (NF $1,200 for off cover single); with 2013 M.E.P.S.I. certificate. Scott No. 3 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,800

Lot 2704 o
Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 2r yellow green, Isla del Carmen, Carmen straight line cancel (Schatzkes 585), margins clear to large, Very Fine, 1,260 were sent but the survival rate seems below average; with 1997 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.Scott No. 3 Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Lot 2705 o
Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 2r yellow green, Sultepec, clear sharp Sultepec fancy oval cancel (Schatzkes 1551), Extremely Fine, an outstanding example of this rarity, with 1,140 sent (NF $2,500); with 2016 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.Scott No. 3 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,300

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 4r red, Tampico, in combination with 1856, 1r yellow, Tampico slightly overlapping on 1859 folded letter sheet to San Luis Potosi, tied by neat Santa Ana de Tamaulipas cds (Schatzkes 1585), fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 4+2 Estimate $400 - 600.

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 8r red lilac, Lagos, o.g., lightly hinged, huge margins and bright color, an Extremely Fine gem, with 900 sent, NF $1,200 for used; with 2016 M.E.P.S.I. certificate. Scott No. 5 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $700

Mexico, 1856, First Issue, 8r red lilac, without district overprint, horizontal strip of 3, full o.g., margins large to just touching at bottom, edge crease at lower right, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 5b Estimate $500 - 750.