Mexico, (Apam) Apam, negative seal postmark (Schatzkes 26A) in black on 1860 folded letter sheet to Mexico, matching "1" reales rate handstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $80

Mexico, (Chiapas) Ciudad Real, bold red handstamp (YB CP21) on ca. 1806 colonial folded letter sheet to Guatemala, manuscript "8½" reales rating, Very Fine, ex-Schimmer. Estimate $250 - 350.

Mexico, (Cuautitlan) Cuautitlan, oval handstamp in black (YB CU1) on ca. 1815 folded letter sheet to Mexico, manuscript "R.S." (Real Servicio or Royal Service) endorsement at indicating usage before 1821, Very Fine, a rare early colonial usage of this handstamp. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,050

Mexico, (Durango) Tulancingo, bold boxed handstamp (Schatzkes 1714) and matching "3" rate on 1860 folded letter sheet to Mexico City, with perfect strike of oval parish & court cachet handstamp, receiving backstamp, Extremely Fine, a wonderful and choice cover. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

2689 (
Mexico, (Guadalajara) Lagos, wreath border postmark (YB unlisted) on circa 1780 colonial front to San Felipe, F.-V.F., believed to be the only known strike of this postmark. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,150

2690 (
Mexico, (Merida) Merida, certification boxed date stamp (Schatzkes 788A) on 1882 cover front to Mexico City, with purple Merdia oval date stamp and matching grids; eagle cachet handstamp at bottom left, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.

2691 (
Mexico, (Mexico) Mexico, red certified straight line handstamp (YB M20) with matching "Franco" handstamp and monogram handstamps at corners, on 1843 registered cover front receipt to Oaxaca, official Ministerio De Hacienda oval eagle cachet handstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

2692 (
Mexico, (Mexico) Mexico, red certified straight line handstamp (YB M20) with matching "Franco" handstamp and monogram handstamps at corners, on 1844 registered cover front from Puebla to Cholula, Puebla manuscript postmark at top, official Secretaria de Hacienda oval eagle cachet handstamp and receiving cachet on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.

2693 (
Mexico, (Mexico) Mexico, certification boxed handstamp (Schatzkes 837 A) on cover front to Veracruz, matching "29 Oct, 1867" cds's at corners and manuscript "Por Extraordinario" endorsement at top, Very Fine, this should have used gothic stamps as it was not a government usage, however there were probably no stamps on hand, one of two known registered fronts with express service usage. Estimate $300 - 400.

Mexico, (Michoacan) Lexarza, bold oval handstamp (YB U1, rarity 10) on 1783 colonial entire to Mexico, letter datelined from Tajimaroa, Very Fine and rare, possibly a unique marking and probably the last name of the postmaster, this town is believed to be in the Valladolid Colonial Intendencia. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $3,500