France, 1863, Napoleon III perforated, 20c blue on bluish, tied by "432" lozenge on cover prepaying the 20c military rate to a Midshipmen aboard the French gunboat La Tempete at Vera Cruz or Alvarado, sent by Ligne B paquebot France showing red "Corps Exp. Mexique, V. France" arrival cds, enscribed "faire suivre" (please forward) and later returned to Villeneuve sur Yonne since sialor had returned home, sent aboard Ligne B paquebot Panama, no flap and addressee partially crossed, Fine and unusual military rate letter completing two transatlantic crossings. Yvert No. 22. Scott No. 26 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $850

2672 BK
France, 1929, 50c Joan of Arc, booklet pane of 10, complete booklet with two full panes, each with different advertisements in margins, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine. Scott No. 245a $360 for N.H. panes.
Realized: $100

France, 1910 Nantes Aviation Meet, picture post card bearing 1910 Nantes Aviation semi-official airmail stamp tied by partial "Nantes Aviation" meet cds and bearing France 5c green (159) tied by "Nantes" cds; faults, Fine and rare tied example. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

France, 1923 Montpellier Aviation, set of six labels and France 25c blue tied by sharp strikes of "Montellier, Aviation, 2-9 23" cds on cover to Nantes, France, black on red "Par Avion" label at right, Sep. 2nd arrival backstamp; light cover creases, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

France, 1929 Registered Airmail Crash Cover to Hanoi, Indo-China, large size cover bearing Sower, 40c violet (179), two pairs, and Sower, 40c light ultramarine (180) single, along with Semi-Postal B28 & B29 blocks of four and two B30 pairs, all tied by "Poste Aerienne, France-Indo-Chine, 19-2 29" cds, large purple "Raid Interrompu / Par Accident / Retour à l'envoyeur" three-line crash handstamp; small faults, Fine. Scott No. 179-180, B28-B30 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $290

France, Airmail, 1936, 50fr "Banknote", o.g., never hinged, exceptionally fresh with rich colors, Very Fine, scarce so nice. Yvert No. 15. Scott No. C15 $1,700.
Realized: $1,700

Germany, Airmail, 1931, 4m Polar Flight Zeppelin, tied by "Berlin, Staaken, 25.7.31" cds on flown cover, with icebreaker "Malyguin" cancel and red "Polarfahrt 1931" cachet, Very Fine. Michel No. 458. Scott No. C42 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

Germany, Airmail, 1931, 4m Polar Flight Zeppelin, tied by violet "Luftschiff, 27.7.1931" on board postmark on flight cover, with icebreaker "Malyguin" cancel and red "Polarfahrt 1931" cachet, purple "First "Intourist" Expedition" handstamp on reverse, Very Fine. Michel No. 458. Scott No. C42 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Saar, 1930-32 South American Zeppelin Flights, 2 items; 1930 South America flight post card via Pernambucco to Recife (Sieger 57G, only 76 cards flown), and a 1932 South American flight cover Freidrichshafen to Recife (Sieger 157), Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Lot 2680 P
Guatemala, 1881, 10c gray violet & green, plate proof on India, strong colors, Very Fine.Scott No. 24P Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150