Sarawak, Registration 1921, 12¢ blue, entire addressed to Huddersfield, England from geological dept. in Miri, uprated with 1928, 1¢ slate blue & carmine + 4¢ brown purple, two singles, tied by "Miri, Apr 16, 28" cds's, registry handstamp and Singapore transit on reverse; wax seals over flap remove, Very Fine, a very scarce registration usage. Higgins and Gage No. C3 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $260

Sierra Leone, 1933 Wilberforce Centenary complete, o.g., lightly hinged, rich vibrant colors, well centered throughout, a Very Fine and choice set. Scott No. 153-165. SG No. 168/180 £1,100 ($1,350).
Realized: $475

South Africa, Mooi River, Natal "On Active Service, No Stamps", cover to London, England with "Mooi River, Natal, Mr 8, 01" origin cds with matching "T 5c" in oval handstamp, Durban, Natal transit on reverse, due handstamp crossed out in blue crayon and "1d" rating cancelled by "AO1" bar oval in Jamaica, red "London, Mr 30, 01" receiving cds; some cover edge toning at top, still Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Straits Settlements, 1894, Queen Victoria, 5¢ brown, in combination with 1894, Queen Victoria, 8¢ ultramarine on registered corner card cover to Brussels, Belgium, tied by bold "Singapore, Ap 3, 95" cds with matching registry handstamp at left, red Paris transit and receiving backstamp, Very Fine (no photo). SG No. 99+101 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $110