Cape of Good Hope, 1858 "Triangular", Perkins Bacon printing, 1s bright yellow green, clear to large margins, deep intense color, tied by cancellation on 1860 blue cover to Cradock, reverse with Burgers-dorp (4.27) origin and red Cradock (4.29) arrival oval, Very Fine. SG No. 8. Scott No. 6 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $625

Ceylon, 1857 (Jul. 11) Colombo, Ceylon to London, England, datelined folded letter fully prepaid via Marseilles, rimless "Colombo, Steamer Letter, JY 25" origin backstamp, rimless "British Packet Postage, Paid" handstamp and red crayon "8" credit rating, carried on P&O Nubia to Suez, and P&O Vectic from Alexandria to Marseilles, red London Paid (8.29) arrival cds, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
All markings except the London arrival were applied in Ceylon. The 8d credit comprised 5d to Great Britain for their share of the 6d uniform rate, plus 3d for French transit.
Realized: $120

Gambia, 1869, Queen Victoria "Embossed", 6d deep blue, unwatermarked, part o.g., fresh with large well balanced margins, Very Fine. Scott No. 2. SG No. 3 £550 ($680).
Realized: $70

Hong Kong, 1846 (Jul. 24) Hong Kong, China to Bombay, India, datelined folded letter with "Hong-Kong 24 JY 1846" double-arc backstamp, partial strike of red "PAID" framed handstamp and red manuscript "1/" rating, endorsed "p: Str. Bragauoza @ Ceylon" at top, large black "Bombay / Ship Letter" framed handstamp with manuscript "2/" rating, letter discusses cotton and opium market (Opium trade was greatly developed by the West following the Opium Wars) and gives a list of arrival and departures from Hong Kong to India for June and July; erosion spot and tong on back, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $525

Lot 2629 E
India, 1854, 8a Octagonal Essay, 1890 reprint, printed in horizontal rows of six, in pale blue (frame) and orange red (head) on yellowish wove paper. (Spence #3 position 6 in sheet), large margins, Very Fine.Estimate $500 - 750.

Lot 2630 o
India, 1852, Scinde Dawk, ½a white, diamond of dots cancel, clear to mostly large margin, horizontal wrinkle and soiling, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. A1.SG No. S1 £2,500 ($3,080).

Lot 2631 o
India, 1852, Scinde Dawk, ½a white, diamond of dots cancel, cut to shap on two sides, just touching frameline at top, horizontal repaired tear, Very Fine appearance, very scarce. Scott No. A1.SG No. S1 £2,500 ($3,080).

2632 (
India, 1854, Queen Victoria Lithographed, ½a pale blue, Die I, right inscription margin block of 4, without gum, strong color, small tear between stamps at top, Very Fine. Scott No. 2 var. SG No. 3 £1,200 for singles ($1,480).

2633 (
India, 1856, Queen Victoria Typographed, 2a yellow green, white paper, prepared for use but not officially issued, without gum, strong color, small thin, Fine appearance, a rare stamp not officially issued yet known postally used. Scott No. 14. SG No. 50 £3,500 ($4,300).
Realized: $1,500

2634 (
India, 1854, Queen Victoria Lithographed, 1a dull red, Die II, horizontal pair, without gum as issued, rich bright color, large margins, Extremely Fine, choice pair. Scott No. 4 var. SG No. 14 £320 ($390).
Realized: $375