Canada, 1845 (Oct. 13) Montreal, Canada to Liege, Belgium, datelined folded letter with red "Montreal L.C. Oct 13 1845" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with manuscript ratings "1/10" plus "4" totaled "2/2 Stg" and "2/5" cy. at upper right for single prepaid rate, red London Paid (10.28) tombstone transit, reverse with Par Ostende (10.28) and Liege (10.30) arrival cds, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.

Lot 2606 o
Canada, 1851, Beaver, 3d orange vermilion, laid paper, light target cancel, large well balanced margins, strong bright orange vermilion color, Extremely Fine and choice; with 2002 and 2014 P.F. certificates, the latter Graded (XF 90).Scott No. 1a $1,000.
Realized: $650

Canada, 1852, Beaver, 3d red, margins to just into outer frameline, rich color, tied by target cancel on blue folded letter to Guelph, "Toronto-Canada, MR 23, 1852" double-arc datestamp with matching "MONEY-LETTER" straightline, endorsed "Paid" and "Money" at top, registry numbers adjacent, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 4 Estimate $300 - 400.

Lot 2608 o
Canada, 1859, Queen Victoria, 12½¢ blue green, light target cancel, choice centering and margins, rich bold color, Extremely Fine.Scott No. 18a $125.
Realized: $70

Lot 2609 o
Canada, 1875, Large Queen, 5¢ olive green, perf 11½, blue face free corner cancel, rich color, wide margins, Very Fine and choice, an attractive used stamp; with 1987 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 26 $225.
Realized: $150

Canada, 1873, 3¢ red, perf 11½x12, couple pulled perfs at top, tied by geometric cork cancel on illustrated ad cover showing W. Bell & Co. Factory Scene, to Enfield, Ont. with matching "Guelph, Jy 20, 84" cds, Very Fine and attractive. SG No. 95. Scott No. 37e Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50

Canada, 1888, 3¢ bright vermilion, rich color, tied by "St. John N.B., Canada, My 28, 95" squared cds on cover to Mocton, N.B., with green allover illustrated T.S. Simms & Co. shaded ad design showing various brushes, Extremely Fine, a lovely all-over ad design. SG No. 105. Scott No. 41 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $60

Canada, 1888, 3¢ rose carmine, tied by "Hamilton, Canada, Nov 29, 88" duplex on illustrated corner card cover showing Merchants' Protective & Collecting Association building, to Springfield, Ont. and forwarded to Detroit, Mich., bold "Unclaimed" and "Return To Writer" handstamps with appropriate backstamps; small cover tear at right, Very Fine. SG No. 84. Scott No. 41a Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50

Canada, 1888, 5¢ gray, in combination with 1888, 3¢ bright vermilion on registered cover to Floral Park, N.Y., tied by "Ingersoll, Ont, Canada, Fe 23, 96" cds with additional strike alongside, matching "R" registry handstamp and appropriate transit backstamps, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 42+41 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70

Canada, 1897, Queen Victoria Jubilee, $1 lake, o.g., never hinged, large oversized margins, intensely rich color and fresh bright paper, Very Fine, ex-W. Gross; with 1997 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 61 $2,900.
Realized: $850