1895, 15¢ dark blue, horiztonal pair, tied by Boston ovals, purple "Registered, Boston, Mass., Mar 23 1896" framed postmark on blue linen lined legal-size cover to Yokohama, Japan, forwarded to Kobe and Kyoto, endorsed "pr Steamer 'Empress of India' from Vancouver", Japanese forwarding markings, Montreal (3.24) and Yokohama (4.13) backstamps; small 15c flaws, some edge wear, F.-V.F. Scott No. 274 Estimate $200 - 300.

1895, 50¢ orange, few small pre-printing wrinkles, tied by bold "New York, Sep 15, 96" duplex postmark on linen-lined cover to Barmen, Germany with steamer endorsement at top; some light cover aging, F.-V.F., a scarce solo usage. Scott No. 275 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $150

1898, 2¢ red, type IV, tied by "New York Dec 19 1900" duplex on private mailing card showing African American to British East Africa, reverse with multicolor "Cake Walk (Negro Dance) No. 3" scene affected by scuff; some corner creasing, F.-V.F., excellent Black Americana to a scarce destination. Scott No. 279B Estimate $150 - 200.