1870, 3¢ green, with capture of plate "No. 9" at top, corner crease, tied by target cancel on cover to Tyrone Mich., matching "Davisburg Mich Feb 4" cds; reduced slightly at left with small edge tear, F.-V.F., Unlisted by Durland. Scott No. 147 Estimate $150 - 200.

1870, 10¢ brown, three singles, tied by NYFM circular geometric (TR-G36) fancy cancels duplexed with "New York Dec 5" cds on blue 1872 triple-rate folded cover to Havana, Cuba, endorsed "Per Metropolis" at top right, Cuba "6" reales due rating for triple the 2 reales inland postage rate; cover tear, F.-V.F., a scarce triple-rate use. Scott No. 150 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $150

1873, 1¢ ultramarine, rich color, with "G" precancel of Glastonbury Conn. on yellow cover advertising cover with all-over illustration on back in brown to Bethlehem Pa.; 1¢ corner crease, Very Fine, a fresh and scarce example of this precancel which is only found on the J.B. Williams corner card covers. Scott No. 156 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $425

1873, 1¢ ultramarine, pair, cancelled by matching pen strokes on 3¢ green (U163) entire to Bern, Switzerland, New York (11.19) exchange cds backstamp and matching "T, 25 Centimes" duplex handstamp ties stamps, "2/75" in blue crayon, Switzerland 5, 10c (2), 50c postage dues all tied by strikes of "Bern 2XII78" cds, forwarded to Ludwigshafen, Germany, Dec. 3rd arrival backstamp; slightly reduced at right with small cover tear and edge wear, Fine. Scott No. 156 Estimate $200 - 300.

1873, 2¢ brown, remarkably well centered strip of three, tied by circle of wedges, matching "U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, Feb 19" cds on cover to Paddy's Run Oh., endorsed "Pacific Mail", carried by Pacific Mail Steamship, "San Francisco Cal. St. Shp. Mar 18" transit cds, 1877 arrival docketing, otherwise Very Fine and rare use of the 2¢ brown from Shanghai. Scott No. 157 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $475

1873, 10¢ brown, used with 5¢ blue (179), nat. s.e. at left, both tied by "Ocean Grove N.J. Aug 16" duplex with target cancel on 1878 cover addressed in purple ink to Argentina, red London (8.26) transit, "Buenos Aries, Oct 1 1878" backstamp, clean and Very Fine. Scott No. 161 Estimate $300 - 400.

1873, 10¢ brown, tied by cork cancel on cover to France, red "Boston P.D. May 25" cds and red crayon "6" cent credit to G.B., carried by Cunard Line Russia from New York to Queenstown, red London Paid (6.6) transit and oval "PD" handstamp, Calais entry cds and readdressed to Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss Ambulant (6.10) backstamp and large yellow postage due label indicating 10 centime fee; some faults, Fine and rare use with the Switzerland postage due label. Scott No. 161 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270

1873, 15¢ yellow orange, tied by circular grid cancel duplexed with "Hoboken N.J. Jul 20" cds on registered cover to Germany, red "New York, Registered, Jul 20" cds, Germany registry label affixed and Aug. 2nd arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 163 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140

1875, 2¢ vermilion, tied by "Philadelphia, Pa. Oct 15" duplex on 3¢ red (U218) Centennial entire to Vienna, Austria, reverse with "New York, Br. Transit" transit and Vienna (10.31) arrival cds, Very Fine and attractive. Scott No. 178 Estimate $200 - 300.

1879, 1¢ dark ultramarine, tied by unusual reddish brown "New York, N.Y., Mar, 16-80" dashed third-class oval cancel on W.R. Andrews Publications corner card cover to Palmyra, N.Y., flap unsealed for circular rate; small edge tear and minor non-contemporary ink mark, otherwise Very Fine and scarce experimental cancel. Scott No. 182 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $550