Lot 2460
Canada, 1873, 3¢ red, perf 11½x12, couple pulled perfs at top, tied by geometric cork cancel on illustrated ad cover showing W. Bell & Co. factory scene, to Enfield, Ont. with matching "Guelph, Jy 20, 84" cds, Very Fine and attractive. SG No. 95.Scott No. 37e Estimate $150 - 200.
Lot 2461
Canada, 1888, 3¢ bright vermilion, rich color, tied by "St. John N.B., Canada, My 28, 95" squared cds on cover to Mocton, N.B., with green allover illustrated T.S. Simms & Co. shaded ad design showing various brushes, Extremely Fine, a lovely all-over ad design. SG No. 105.Scott No. 41 Estimate $150 - 200.
Lot 2462
Canada, 1888, 3¢ rose carmine, tied by "Hamilton, Canada, Nov 29, 88" duplex on illustrated corner card cover showing Merchants' Protective & Collecting Association building, to Springfield, Ont. and forwarded to Detroit, Mich., bold "Unclaimed" and "Return To Writer" handstamps with appropriate backstamps; small cover tear at right, Very Fine. SG No. 84.Scott No. 41a Estimate $100 - 150.
Lot 2463
Canada, 1888, 5¢ gray, in combination with 1888, 3¢ bright vermilion on registered cover to Floral Park, N.Y., tied by "Ingersoll, Ont, Canada, Fe 23, 96" cds with additional strike alongside, matching "R" registry handstamp and appropriate transit backstamps, Very Fine and choice.Scott No. 42+41 Estimate $150 - 200.
Lot 2464
Canada, 1897, 10¢ brown red, imperf, corner margin horizontal pair, o.g., small hinge remnant, large margin, strong bright color, natural gum wrinkle in left stamp, otherwise Extremely Fine, a lovely position pair. SG No. 111a.Scott No. 45c $625.
Realized: $220
Lot 2465 P
Canada, 1897, Queen Victoria Jubilee, 3¢ bright rose, plate proof on India, mounted on card, right margin block of 4, large margins, radiant color, Extremely Fine. Scott No. 53. Unitrade C$200 for singles ($150).Unitrade No. 53P.
Lot 2466
Canada, 1897, Queen Victoria Jubilee, 5¢ deep blue, in combination with 1897, 1¢ + 2¢ Queen Victoria Jubilee, all with rich colors, on fancy ad registered cover to Fort Collins, Colo., tied by bold "Halifax N.S., Canada, Ju 21, 97" cds's, matching "R" registry handstamp and appropriate transit backstamps, Very Fine and choice, an attractive 3-color franking.Scott No. 54+51+52 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130
Lot 2467
Canada, 1897, Queen Victoria Jubilee, 10¢ brown violet, bottom left corner margin single, o.g., never hinged, choice centering amid wide margins, rich bold color, Extremely Fine and choice, a gem position single. SG No. 131.Scott No. 57 $400.
Realized: $180
Lot 2468
Canada, 1897, Queen Victoria Jubilee, $1 lake, full o.g., rich color, Very Fine; with 2015 R Gratton certificate. SG No. 136.Scott No. 61 $1,000.
Realized: $250
Lot 2469
Canada, 1897, Queen Victoria Jubilee, $4 purple, lithograph forgery, "Montreal-Que" roller cancel, Very Fine, very scarce.Scott No. 64F Estimate $100 - 150.