1792-1863, Transatlantic Mail via Halifax by Falmouth Packet, group of 17 covers by Falmouth packet except two ship letters, includes 1792 (Jul., 17) Halifax split double-circle by Sandwich to London;1805 (Jul. 25) Halifax two-line postmark by Princess Amelia to London, 1811 (Jan. 25) Sackville N.B. by Adventure to Yorkshire, England; 1815 (May 23) Halifax private ship letter to Liverpool with contents mentioning Napoleon (Napoleon had left Elba on Mar. 20th 1815); 1816 (Aug. 28) Forres, Scotland to Halifax; 1822 (Jul. 5) Hampton (Middx.) via London by Francis Feeling to Lunenburg N.S.; 1824 (May 14) Bath, England to Halifax with "Too Late" handstamp; etc.; some interesting ratings and markings, excellent basis for expansion, F.-V.F. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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1829-1867, Nova Scotia Postal Relations with Canada, group of 11 covers including 1829 (Oct. 27) Quebec red flueron to Halifax with "1/8" rating plus "1" d.cy. delivery fee; 1830 and 1833 Halifax flueron uses to Quebec with "1N8" and "3N4" single and double rates, 1835 (Aug. 12) Halifax star postmark to Quebec with "1N8" rating, 1848 (Feb. 9) red tombstone with red ms. "3/-" rating to London C.W. (ex-Mayer), 1865 Yorkville U.C. to Yarmouth N.S. with red "PAID 5" rating handstamp; 1866 Halifax N.S. "Paid" cds and matching "CTS / 5" handstamp, and two 1866-67 "Express Mail" uses via the Grand Trunk railway steamers; some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $700

1844-1873, Nova Scotia Postal History Balance, group of 6 covers comprising 1844 (Jul. 3) Norton N.B. to Shelburne N.S. with "11½" d.cy. rating; 1852 (Dec. 4) Way Office Shippagan Island via Chatham with blue "3d" in circle handstamp to Bridgetown; 1868 West Bay C.B. to Arichat N.S. with 1868 3¢ Large Queen issue; 1873 Halifax to Clare N.S. enclosing letter from Puerto Rico sent unpaid with "CTS/5" due handstamp; and 2868 Summerside P.E.I. with 1863 3d blue with left selvage on cover to Cape Breton (address name excised) and 1867 (Feb. 5) "St. Pierre et Miquelon, St. Pierre" cds on cover front with top flap only to France, F.-V.F. group. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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1845-1863, Transatlantic Mail via Halifax by Cunard Line, group of 8 including 1845 (Oct. 3) Liverpool by Hibernia to Lower Harbor N.S. with "1s/4dCy." in circle handstamp; 1849 (Aug. 24) Liverpool by Niagara to Pictou N.S.; 1852 (Apr. 10) Sydney C.B. by Canada to London; 1854 (Jul. 31) Lunenburg N.S. by Niagara to London; 1855 (Nov. 8) Halifax to Edinburgh; 1863 (Apr. 15) Bonn, Rehish Prussia to Bridgetown N.S., etc.; some flaws, interesting group, F.-V.F. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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1847-1874, Nova Scotia Postal Relations with United States, group of 9 covers including mail by packet and overland, 1847 (Jul. 21) Halifax paid tombstone to New York; 1851 (Aug. 17) Acadian Mines, Londonderry to New York and forwarded to London; 1858 (Oct. 28) North Stdney C.B. to Milbridge Me. via Boston with "Paid 10" circle handstamp; 1863 (Sep. 17) Locks-Island N.S. with N.S. 10¢ vermilion #12 to Essex Vt.; 1868 Boston Mass to Cornwallis N.S. with 3¢ #94 pair, 1843 folded letter from Boston to Yarmouth by Cunard Caledonia; and 1874 (Feb. 9) Jamaica privately to New York with US #157, 161 to Halifax; etc., F.-V.F. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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