1833 (Feb. 14) Triest, Austra to Halifax, N.S., folded letter with red "Triest." oval handstamp and via Milan with "L.I." framed handstamp, London (2.26) backstamps and manuscript "3/10" rating for 1s8d via France, 10d G.B. inland and 1s3d packet rate, red London inspector crown handstamp, carried by Pigeon from Falmouth to Halifax, rating converted to "4/1" cy. due rating; some staining, Fine, A rare use from Austria to Nova Scotia. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

1834 (Jan. 24) Liverpool, England to Halifax N.S., datelined folded letter carried as endorsed by Mont Hope as ship letter to New York, entered mails with red "New-York Mar 15" cds and red manuscript "25" rating, indistinct "St. Andrews/ New Brunswick" two-line postmark hand dated "25th March 32" and with "P 1N3" cy. conversion (25¢) plus "9" d.cy.to St. John totalled to "2N" then "9" d.cy. to Halifax totalled to "2N9" and "1" d.cy. delivery fee totalled to "2N10" due, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
The unusual route selected for this cover was probably selected because "Thais" had returned to Falmouth in December 1833 and was never heard from again and in January 1834, "Lord Melville" also left Falmouth twice.

1835 (Jan. 26) Charlottetown, P.E.I. to London, England, datelined folded letter with "Prince Edward's Island" rimless postmark and ms. "26th Jany 1835" date, matching "Paid" in circle with manuscript "1N4" rating for double island postage, Halifax (2.12) transit cds, carried by Plover from Halifax to Falmouth, red London (3.13) arrival cds and manuscript "4/4" double packet letter rating, F.-V.F., ex-Salmon. Estimate $300 - 400.

1836 (Aug. 19) Halifax N.S. to London, England, datelined folded letter with enclosed check, "Halifax, AU 19 1836" cds, carried as endorsed by Packet Skylark to Falmouth, red London (9.9) arrival backstamp and "2/2" single packet rating, red London inspector crown handstamp and rating updated to "4/4" to reflect enclosure, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.

1837 (Feb. 2) London, England to Prince Edward Island, gray datelined folded letter with red London "2 FE 1837" Maltese cross postmark and matching Star inspector mark, single "2/2" packet rating, carried by Packet "Skylark" to Halifax arriving Mar. 8th, indistinct Halifax transit cds with "Pakt 2N5" cy. conversion rating (2s2d) plus "8" d.cy. island rate totalled to "3N1" cy. due, Very Fine, ex-De Volpi, Salmon. Estimate $300 - 400.

1839 (Feb. 6) Clachnahrry, Inverness, Scotland to Pictou, N.S., datelined folded letter with reverse bearing "Inverness, Feb 6, 1839" framed postmark and red Edinburgh (2.8) transit cds, manuscript "2/7" rating and "½" handstamp for Scottish toll road tax, carried by Linnet from Falmouth to Halifax arriving Apr. 5th, manuscript "Packet 2N11" cy. conversion rating (2s7d) plus "7 d.cy. island rating totalled "3N6" plus "1" d.cy. delivery charge for final due of "3N7", F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.

1839 (Apr. 20) Wallace, N.S. to London, England, gray folded cover with "Halifax, MY 10 1839" fleuron, carried by Tyrian to Falmouth, red London (6.11) backstamp and manuscript "1/" packet rating, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Effective March 4th 1839, the rate became 1s to the United Kingdom.

1840 (Jun. 3) London, England to La Have N.S., datelined folded letter with "T.P. / Hammersmith E.O." two-line postmark and red London "Paid, 3 JU 1840" tombstone with red manuscript "P. 1/" rating, carried by Packet Express from Falmouth to Halifax, rimless "Halifax - Nova Scotia - Jul 14 1840" cds and manuscript "7" d.cy. due rating to Lunenburg, Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Due to competition, the Falmouth packets produced large financial losses. The "Express" was therefore the last packet to sail from Falmouth.