1871 (Sep. 11) Antigua to Aylesford N.S., mourning cover bearing Antigua 1867 1d pale vermilion (3), strip of five, tied by four strikes of "A02" oval grids, matching "Antigua, SP 11 71" backstamp and red crayon "4" pence packet rating, endorsed "Via Halifax", carried by RMSPC Arno to St. Thomas (partial 9.13 backstamp), then by Cunard Line Delta to Halifax (9.27 backstamp); no backflap, Very Fine, ex-Charlton Henry, Toeg. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Cover is prepaid 5d for 1d Antigua internal postage plus 4d packet rate (red crayon 4 rating).

1873 (Sep. 9) Trinidad to Lockeport N.S., folded letter bearing Trinidad 1863/72 1d carmine and 4d gray tied by light strikes of Trinidad cds, red "Trinidad, Paid, SP 9 1873" cds and red crayon "4" pence credit rating, endorsed "via Bermuda", carried by RMSPC Arno to Barbados and Tagus to St. Thomas arriving Oct. 3rd, then by Cunard Line Delta to Halifax (9.25 backstamp), reverse with Locke-port (9.29) arrival, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

1874 (Feb. 25) Trinidad to Lockeport, N.S., folded cover bearing Trinidad 1863/72 4d gray (51) and 6d emerald (52a), each tied by "Trinidad" cds, red "Trinidad, Paid, FE 26 1874" cds and red crayon "8" pence double-weight packet credit rating, endorsed "Via St. Thomas & Bermuda"; carried by RMSPC Tyne to St. Thomas (3.4 backstamp), then by Cunard Line Alpha to Halifax, reverse with Halifax (3.16) transit and Lockeport (3.18) arrival cds; cover was prepaid, Very Fine, ex-Marriott, Scarborough. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,500

1875 (Aug. 12) San Juan, Puerto Rico to Halifax N.S., blue folded cover with blue "Schön. Willink y Ca." company oval, bearing G.B. 1873, 4d vermilion, plate 14 horizontal pair tied by "C61" oval grid, matching "Port-Rico, AU12 75" British Post Office cds, endorsed "p Brazil Str"; reverse with St. Thomas (8.13) transit and Halifax (8.26) arrival cds, Extremely Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $600

1877 (Jan. 12) Halifax N.S. to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, cover addressed to Capt Babiu, Brig "Zeno" care of the British Consul, bearing Canada 1873, 3¢ orange red (37), two horizontal strip of three, tied by strikes of "Halifax N.S., JA 12 77" cds, carried by Cunard Line Beta via Bermuda to St. Thomas (1.31 backstamp), sent back to Halifax by Cunard Line Beta on her return voyage, "Halifax N.S., FE 10 77" backstamp and matching "Returned / For / Postage" three-line handstamp, "Dead Letter Office, Canada, FE 17 1877" backstamp; two 3¢ stamps with tears, small erosion hole top right, Fine appearance. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
The United States and Brazil Mail Steamship Company had stopped their services in Autumn 1875. The corresponding 18¢ rate was still advertised in January 1876. The only route available at this time was via England to Brazil.

1879 (Mar. 7) Bahamas to Halifax N.S., cover bearing Bahamas 4d dull rose, perf 14 (18b) tied by oval grid cancel, Bahamas (3.7) origin backstamp, "New York F.D. Mar 12" backstamp and matching "NY/T" due handstamp with blue crayon "10" updated to "5¢", reverse with Montreal (3.13) transit and Halifax (3.15) arrival cds; small edge faults and light soiling, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
Canada joined the General Postal Union technically on July 1st 1878. However, Canada did not adhere to the postal union rates and regulations until August 1st, 1878. The official Postal Guide, normally published in July, was delayed until August in order to present the new rates and regulations. From August 1st 1878 until March 30th 1879, the GPU rates and regulations governed with the Universal Postal Union becoming effective on April 1st 1879. Quite a few countries in the West Indies joined the UPU later or enjoyed transition rates.
The Bahamas did not join the UPU until July 1st 1880. Shown here is an example of mail from a non-UPU member to UPU-member Canada.
Realized: $400