1827 (Aug. 14) Falmouth, Jamaica to Halifax N.S. via St. John, datelined folded letter carried privately to St. John, flap with manuscript "St. John 19 Septr. Recd. & forwarded by Your Obt. Servt., Bowman & Whayle" forwarder's endorsement, entered mails with "St. John N.B." straightline handstamp and manuscript "9" d.cy. rating plus "1" d.cy. for local delivery totalled to "10" d.cy. due; light staining on reverse only, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.

1829 (Jan. 6) Bahia, Brazil to Halifax N.S. via Boston, datelined folded letter carried privately to Boston, flap with manuscript "Boston March 11th 1829. Forwarded by Your Ob. Servt., Archd. Foster" forwarder's endorsement, sent privately to Halifax where manuscript "3½" d.cy. rating for a letter arriving at port from Nova Scotia, N.B. or foreign until 1842; light fold toning, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.

1836 (May 31) Demerara, British Guiana to Roxbury Mass. via Halifax, datelined folded letter sent "Care of Messrs S. Cunard Co. Halifax" and endorsed "Via Halifax", carried by private ship, entered mails with red "Boston Ms. Jul. 18" cds and matching "Ship" handstamp with red manuscript "8" rating for 6¢ inland postage up to 30 miles plus 2¢ ship fee, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180