Lot 243
1856 (Aug. 3) St. Pierre et Miquelon to Dorchester Mass., orange cover with blue "Atherton, Hughes & Co." oval handstamp and original letter datelined "St. Peters, 3rd Augst 1856", carried by private ship to Boston, entered mails with red "Boston Mass., 22 Aug." cds and black "SHIP" and "5" rating handstamps, Very Fine.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Original letter from shipwrecked sailor reads, "I write in great haste to send by a vessel which is on the point of leaving here with our crew. The "Medora" was lost on the Island of Miquelon (near Newfoundland) on the 23rd - we saved all our clothes & c and arrived here three days ago - the Capt. is obliged to remain here… & wishes me to assist him… Please write & direct care of American Consul St. Peters".
Lot 244
1857 (May) St. Pierre et Miquelon to St. Malo, France, folded cover with Timbre Administratif origin handstamp, endorsed "p. Halifax and Liverpool", carried by Cunard Line America to Liverpool arriving May 17th, Calais (5.18.57) entry cds and manuscript "6" décimes due rating, St. Malo (5.20) arrival backstamp, fresh and Very Fine.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $600
Lot 245
1857 (Jul. 27) St Pierre et Miquelon to Cette, France, light blue folded letter with "Iles St. Pierre et Miquelon, 27 Juil. 1857" origin cds and matching "12" décimes due handstamp, carried by Cunard Line Europa to Liverpool arriving Aug. 23rd, "Col. Fr. Angl., Calais" (8.24) entry cds, Cette (8.25) arrival backstamp, Very Fine, Illustrated in Chauvet.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
The new February 9th 1857 tariff for closed mail was 50cts. per 7½gr. and 60cts. unpaid, open mail 80cts. prepaid or unpaid.
Realized: $600
Lot 246
1858 (Nov. 17) St. Pierre et Miquelon to Boston Mass., orange cover with origin enclosure datelined "Saint Pierre Miquelon, November 17th 1858", endorsed "Keith & Co., Express. Elm street", entered mails with "North Sydney, C.B., NO 17, 1858" cds and "Ship-Letter" straightline with "13" cents due handstamp (equiv. 8 d.cy.), reverse with Sydney (11.30) and Pictou (12.3) transits, St. John's N.B. (12.8) transit on face, Very Fine.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Lot 247
1859 (Jul. 10) La Scie, French Shore, Newfoundland to St. Brieuc, France, datelined blue folded letter, North Sydney C.B. (8.4) backstamp and cursive "Ship Letter" straightline, Halifax (8.10) backstamp and "3" due rating handstamp for N.S. internal postage, carried by Cunard Line Europa to Liverpool arriving Aug 20th, red London (8.22) transit backstamp and "GB /2F" accountancy handstamp, Calais (10.22) entry cds and "10" décimes due handstamp, St. Brieuc (8.24) arrival backstamp, Very Fine.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Although part of the territory of Newfoundland, the "French Shore" was a seasonal fishing treaty concession granted to France. The French were allowed landing and shore rights from April 15th to October 5th annually (Convention of 1857) and established numerous fishing stations, complete with permanent shore facilities. This agreement was laid down in the Treaty of Utrecht 1713. The second treaty period lasted 1783 to 1904 when the concession was lost. Main source of income on the "French Shore" was cod fish.
Realized: $1,200
Lot 248
1860 (Oct. 16) New York N.Y. to St. Pierre et Miquelon, folded cover bearing United States 5¢ brown, type II (30A) tied by red circular grid cancel and over struck with "New-York, Oct 16, 1860" duplex, "Boston Br. Pkt. Oct 17" exchange backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Canada departing Oct. 17th to Halifax, reverse with partial "Ud. States, Halifax" transit cds and "8" pence due handstamp for 4d stg. (5d cy.) US-Halifax packet plus 4d stg. (5d cy.) Halifax-Sydney packet, Sydney "10" pence due handstamp for both packet routes; some reinforced erosion and edge tear, Fine.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Lot 249
1864 (Jun. 2) St. Pierre et Miquelon to Bridgewater N.S., datelined folded letter with "Iles St. Pierre et Miquelon, 2 Juin 1864" origin cds, blue "Atherton Hughes & Co." oval backstamp, neat strike of "Sydney. C.B. / Ship Letter" two-line handstamp and manuscript "17½ c" cents rating equaling 8d (5d packet rate plus 3d N.S. inland postage), reverse with Sydney C.B. (6.7), Halifax (6.9) and Bridgewater (6.10) arrival cds; small corner mend upper left, otherwise Very Fine.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,450
Lot 250
1864 (Dec. 1) St. Pierre et Miquelon to Granville, France, gray folded cover bearing French Colonies, 1859 Eagle 40c orange (5) horizontal pair, large margins, tied by blue "SPM" lozenge cancel, matching "St. Pierre et Miquelon, 1 Dec 64" cds, red "PD" framed handstamp, endorsed "via Sydney", carried by Cunard Line Canada to Queenstown arriving Jan. 2nd, Calais (1.4) entry cds, Granville (1.5) arrival backstamp, Very Fine; with 2014 Roumet certificate.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $950
Lot 251
1867 (Sep. 5) St. Pierre et Miquelon to Granville, France, blue folded cover bearing French Colonies, 1865 Eagle 80c carmine rose (6), four margins, tied by black "SPM" lozenge cancel, matching "St. Pierre et Miquelon, 5 Sept 67" cds, two partial strikes of red "PD" framed handstamp, carried by Cunard Line Cuba to Queenstown arriving Sep. 20th, Granville (9.23) arrival backstamp, Very Fine; signed Calves, with 2015 Roumet certificate.Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $600
Lot 252
1866 (Apr. 20) St. Pierre et Miquelon to Granville, France, gray folded cover with "St. Pierre et Miquelon, 20 Avril 66" origin cds carried by Cunard Africa to Queenstown arriving May 19th, Calais (5.21) entry cds and manuscript "9" décimes due rating, Granville (5.23) arrival cds, Very Fine.Estimate $500 - 750.