Lot 131
1803 (Feb. 14) Halifax N.S. to Quebec, Canada, folded cover with "Halifax, Feb 14 1803" backstamp and manuscript "1N8" 1s8d cy. rating; central fold, F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
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Lot 132
1828 (Apr. 12) Edinburgh, Scotland to Upper Bijou, Canada via Halifax and Quebec, datelined folded letter addressed in care of Charles Stewart, Custom House at Quebec, red Edinburgh Apr. 12th origin backstamp and manuscript "2/5" 2s5d rating, Scottish "Add ½" toll road due rating handstamp, carried by Packet Lady Mary Pelham from Falmouth to Halifax, rimless Halifax (6.26) transit cds and red manuscript "Packet / 2N9" rating at top, Quebec red manuscript "1N8" rating totalled to "4N5" 4s5d cy. due, July 2nd receipt docketing at right, Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Lot 133
1841 (Jul. 3) Liverpool, England to Montreal, Canada via Halifax, datelined folded letter with rimless "Liverpool, JY 3 1841" backstamp and "1/2" 1s2d rating for 1s packet fee plus 2d inland, carried by Cunard Line Caledonia to Halifax arriving Jul. 15th, then overland to Pictou and by Steamer Unicorn by Summer St. Lawrence River Feeder to Quebec where "1/4cy." framed handstamp struck, Very Fine, ex-Arnell.Estimate $150 - 200.
Lot 134
1841 (Oct. 22) Pictou N.S. to Quebec, Canada, datelined folded letter with indistinct "Pictou * N.S." star postmark and manuscript "1/8" 1s8d cy. rating, red Fredericton (10.30) transit cds, Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
When Canada mails began to be transported by steamer on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the question was raised whether the mail rout from Halifax to St. John and Fredericton should be continued. Howe wrote to the Secretary of the GPO that the route had always been self-supporting and it was imperative that it be maintained.
Lot 135
1844 (Mar. 25) Leogan, Jamaica to Newmarket, Canada via Halifax, datelined folded letter originally endorsed "Via New York" but crossed out and updated to "Halifax", reverse with "Halifax, Nova-Scotia, AP 26 1844" entry cds and red "Ship Letter, Halifax, N.S." double-circle crown handstamp and manuscript "3/1½" cy. rating for the 4½d ship letter charge, reverse with red Quebec (5.5) transit and Newmarket (5.10) arrival cds, Very Fine.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,400
Lot 136
1844 (May 18) Carleton-Gaspe, Canada to Plaster Cover, Cape Breton, datelined folded letter with brownish "Carleton-Gaspe, L.C." rimless postmark with manuscript "18 May 44" dating and manuscript "4½" d.cy. ship letter rating, red "Dalhousie N.B., MY 22 1844" transit cds, red "Antigonish N.S., MY 30 1844" transit backstamp, Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Lot 137
1844 (Oct. 18) "On Board the Caledonia - off Halifax" to Toronto, Canada, datelined folded letter addressed to Capt. Trooy, Steam Boat America, with red "Halifax, Paid, Oct 18, 1844, Nova-Scotia" tombstone postmark and red manuscript "2/5½" cy. rating, carried as endorsed by Steamer Unicorn via Quebec to Toronto, Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Canada and New Brunswick refused to contribute to the cost of an improved stage coach service between Halifax and Pictou. They held the position that as the packet postage remitted to England they should receive mail without further charge. Also, Canada wished to receive her mail via Boston. This change came into force in Spring 1845 so that the service from Pictou was no longer needed and the Steamer "Unicorn" was transferred to the Halifax-St. Johns (Newfoundland) route.
Lot 138
1846 (Jun. 27) St. John, Newfoundland to Quebec, Canada via Halifax, folded cover with dateline remaining, St. John's (10.25) origin backstamp and red "Paid at St. Johns, Newfoundland" crown handstamp with red manuscript "4" pence stg. prepaid packet rating, Halifax (11.1) transit backstamp and matching "More-To-Pay" straightline handstamp, overland to Quebec with red Nov. 14th arrival backstamp, manuscript "1/8" 1s8d cy. due rating, Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
The packet rate to Nova Scotia was 4d. stg. prepaid (tariff Dec. 5th 1842).
Lot 139
1848 (Jun. 16) Leogan, Jamaica to Newmarket, Canada via Halifax, datelined folded letter with boxed "Ship-Letter / Halifax N.S. / 18 JY 1848" backstamp transit, various backstamps comprising Quebec (7.26), Toronto and Newmarket (7.31) arrival, manuscript "3/2" 3s2d cy. due rating for 4½d. cy. ship letter fee plus 2s9½d cy. Canadian inland postage; edge toning, F.-V.F., ex-MacDonald, Clark.Estimate $500 - 750.
Lot 140
1849 (Mar. 20) Port Dover, Canada to Aix-en-Provence, France via Halifax, datelined folded letter with red "Port Dover U.C." cds and manuscript "20 March 1849" dating, prepaid to destination ratings of red manuscript "1/11 stg." 1s11d stg. and "2/2 cy" 2s2d cy., reverse with Simcoe (3.20), Brantford and Montreal (3.27) transits, carried by Cunard Line Niagara from Halifax Apr. 20th to Liverpool arriving Apr. 30th, red London "Paid, 4 MY 1849" transit cds and oval "PD" handstamp, Boulange entry cds, Aix-en-Provence (5.5) arrival backstamp; couple small edge tears, Very Fine.Estimate $500 - 750.
This cover was sent during the retaliatory rate period when the closed mail bag system was suspended and mail went via Halifax. Mail in closed bags via the United States was resumed eastbound May 16th 1849 and Westbound Apr. 14th after an agreement was made on Jan. 26th 1849. Because the letter did go via the United States, the rate was reduced by 6d. stg. English inland rate was 1½d stg., 8d to England, Cunard share 2½d and 10d to France.