Special Delivery, 1893, 10¢ Orange, Proof and Stamp Exhibit Balance, group comprising E3P2 Roosevelt small die proof, E3P3 India paper block of four, three E3P4 card proofs in slightly different shades, E3S "Specimen", and E3 mint single; couple small flaws, Very Fine and scarce group. Scott No. E3 $1,335.
Realized: $1,500

Special Delivery, 1893, 10¢ Orange, Cancellations, group of 22 used singles with different cancels and the only recorded used block of four (unpriced in Scott), cancellations include "World's Fair Sta., Chicago Ill." expo cds, "U.S. German Sea P.O." cds, "Ontario, Canada", and fancy cancels including negative reversed "S", Maltese cross, negative star in circle, diamond, honeycomb, scarab, etc.; some faults. Scott No. E3; $1,300+ Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,500

Special Delivery, 1893, 10¢ Orange - Postal History, group of 30 mounted on exhibit pages including many better usages, highlights include 1893 use on 1¢ UX9 postal card with fancy magenta Lynn Mass. delivery handstamp, 1893 Boston Mass. use with 2¢ Columbian and blue time clock datestamp, 1893 West Winstead to New York City with special delivery label, 1894 registered-special delivery use with 8¢, 10¢, 15¢ Columbian issue franking on cover originally pasted to package, 1894 use with "Received in Bad Condition" handstamp and post office seal affixed, 1893 Post Office Dept. penalty use, 1899 illegal revenue use on marriage license fee, 1894 mailing on U.S.M.S. Paris envelope New York to Chicago, 1894 New York to England shortpaid without postage applied and marked "10d" due (double the 5¢ UPU rate deficiency), 1902 Agana, Guam registered use including "Agana, Isle of Guam." straightline, 1901 use from Havana, Cuba to New York City, and 1893 use from Canada to Boston Mass. Scott No. E3 Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Realized: $2,300