(Paying Special Delivery Fees) 1917, 5¢ Rose Error, in block of six with 2¢ #499 stamps, tied by two strikes of "Cummington Mass. Aug 29 1925" duplex on blue cover to New Haven Conn., purple "New Haven, Conn. Fee Claimed. Aug 29" cds, endorsed "Special Delivery", fresh and Very Fine, Only recorded error block prepaying the 2¢ postage plus 10¢ special delivery fee. Scott No. 505 $2,250.
The sender apparently did not notice the inclusion of a 5¢ stamp in the block of six, and therefore thought they were paying the correct 12¢ postage.
Realized: $4,750

(Paying Special Delivery Fees) 1945, 5¢ United Nations, pair and single, used along with 3¢ Prexie and 3¢ Win the War, tied by "San Francisco Calif. May 18 1945" machine cancel on legalsize "Chinese Delegation, United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, California" corner card cover to New York N.Y.; reduced slightly at left affecting perfs, Fine and rare, Only recorded Special Delivery use from the U.N. Conference on International Organization. Scott No. 928 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325

(Paying Special Delivery Fees) 1918-1919, First Airmail Issue, small group on three pages comprising C3 top arrow block of four, C3 on May 15th 1918 First Trip cover Washington D.C. to Philadelphia Pa. incorrectly franked with additional E11; C3 and 1¢ Franklin (faulty on 1918 AEF Christmas package with Red Cross censor label prepaid 25¢ for parcel post rate, C2 on Aug. 13th flight cover Washington D.C. to New York, and C1 used with E11 on 1919 Philadelphia-New York flight cover to American Forces in France, F.-V.F. group. Scott No. C1-C3 Estimate $300 - 400.
Between 1918 and 1936, five different combination air mail / special delivery service stamps were issued by the United States Post Office. The Scott catalog has clearly misnumbered these stamps. The first two air mail stamps of the United States included 10¢ for special delivery service; and no additional stamps were required for that purpose. Later, between 1934 and 1936, President Franklin D. Roosevelt designed three additional stamps which also included the 10¢ fee for special delivery service in addition to the 6¢ airmail postage.
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Realized: $750

(Paying Special Delivery Fees) 1906 San Francisco Provisional "Special Delivery" Earthquake Mail, cover addressed to Milwaukee, Wis. with notations "S.F. Apr 20th, 1906" and provisional box franking reading "This is supposed to be a Special Delivery stamp. San Francisco does not seem to be able to sell me one." and "I owe the United States 12, send bill to San Francisco", with additional notation at left "If stamps are necessary, collect at Home of Adressee. I cannot procure any.", reverse with receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
On April 18, 1906, a major earthquake devastated San Francisco. Almost 30,000 buildings were destroyed, 700 persons died and 30,000 were made homeless. The fire that followed the earthquake destroyed the post office's supply of stamps. The Post Office Department permitted residents to send letters free of postage for a time after the disaster.
Realized: $1,250

(Paying Special Delivery Fees) 1907-1940, Paying Special Delivery Fees, group of 10 on six exhibit pages including C1 (2) on airmail cover from Toledo Oh. to Dayton Oh., 1943 UN Conference on International Organization from San Francisco to New York, Q6 used with 2¢ Wash. from Baltimore to Philadelphia, PS1 used with 2¢ Wash. from Hartford to Danbury Conn., two pairs of #K3 from Shanghai, China to Madison Wis., Canadian 2¢ War tax strip of 5 used with #398 to Canada accepted as prepayment of Canadian special delivery fee, QE1 & QE2 on 1928 cover prepaying 10¢ special delivery fee and special handling (marked 5¢ due), etc., F.-V.F. and interesting group. Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $1,050