(Alaska) Skagway, Alaska, Nov 23 1901, bold strike of duplex ties 2¢ carmine pair and 1¢ Pan-American (294) on cover to Paris, France, forwarded by American Express to Rome, New York (12.7) transit backstamp, Paris (12.18) and (12.19) cds and Rome (12.21) arrival cds, Very Fine, A scarce use to Europe during the Gold Rush era (no photo). Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $130

(Alaska) Wrangell, Alaska, Feb 23, 1909, clear strikes of duplex tie #300, 306, 319F, 319Fj on registered cover to Austria, New York (3.6) backstamps and New York registry label (FX-NY1a) affixed, Austrian (6.19) arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200