Argentina, 1946 5c Roosevelt, Muestra (Sample), set sets of blocks and pairs in different colors, reportedly only a few sheets were issued as a presentation items to Mrs. Roosevelt, Very Fine, owner paid $75 for pairs in 1958! Scott No. 551 Estimate $300 - 400.

Brazil, 1940 Roosevelt, 50th Anniversary Pan-Am Union, a specialized collection of singles, blocks, proof blocks, Essay sheet (Unique?), Experimental printing on buff (Perf & Imperf), etc., Very Fine. Scott No. 487 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $600

Brazil, 1949 3.80cr Roosevelt, six exhibition pages showing the souvenir sheet both watermarked and unwatermarked, with "Muestra" (Specimen overprint), printed on parchment paper in blue and red, and a horiz. strip of three from a special printing of which only 3 exist, Very Fine. Scott No. C76 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $850
Colombia, 1945 5c Roosevelt, Churchill & Stalin Ovpts, six exhibition pages showing Ovpt varieties including inverted overprints, Ovpt on reverse, multiples, "Muestra" overprint, Very Fine (no photo). Scott No. 520-522 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $110

Ecuador, 1949 Roosevelt Airpost Labels, a highly specialized collection of Singles, Blocks, Sheets Ovpts, Offsets, Covers and Errors, few faults, generally Very Fine, an outstanding group which could be the basis for an award winning collection, please inspect. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $800

Ethiopia, 1947 Roosevelt & Haile Selassie, small selection including complete set of mint sheets of 12, imperf 12c & 25c, trial color 25c, blocks of 4 of the $1-$2, Very Fine. Scott No. 278-280, C21-C22 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $170

France, 100fr Roosevelt Large Die Essays, 5 large die essays in different colors, all signed by artist, L. Verron, Very Fine (Sanabria EDb). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $260

Honduras, 1946-47 8c Roosevelt, wonderful specialized collection mounted on 25 exhibition pages including Covers, Stamps, Errors, Proofs, Trial Colors, Essays, etc., included are 10 Progressive Die Proofs, Nine Trial Color Proofs, one Small Die Proof, one Imperf Strip of 3 with Proof Printed on Reverse, one Plate Proof on India (block of 4), all three Perf varieties of C163, Perf. 12x6, and pairs imperf horiz and vert., etc., Very Fine, a number of items in the collection are thought to unique. Scott No. C158, C163 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,800

Hungary, 1947 Roosevelt Issue, small group which includes Tete Beche pairs from souvenir sheets, set of souvenir sheets (Normal & Tete Beche), singles with "Specimen" overprint, imperf singles, first day cover, souvenir sheets with the four semi-postal stamps and four airpost semi-postal stamps (Perf & Imperf.), etc., plus Perf & Imperf. Sheets of 25, the Imperf. Sheets are missing #CB1, however a second #B198A is included, couple small flaws, Very Fine. Scott No. B198A-B198D, CB1-CB1C Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $850

Hungary, 1947 Roosevelt, Imperf. Sheets of 25, o.g., never hinged, #CB1C with small corner crease in bottom right margin, Very Fine. Scott No. B198A-B198D, CB1-CB1C $6,250 as singles.
Realized: $700