Mexico, 1861, ½r black on buff, Chihuahua, top margin vertical strip of four, pre-printing paper folds in center pair, tied by two neat strikes of Chihuahua oval handstamp (Schatzkes 138) on 1862 folded letter to Hidalgo, matching boxed "Franco" at top, Very Fine (NF $240 as singles). Scott No. 6 Estimate $300 - 400.

Mexico, 1861, ½r black on buff, Colima, unusual stamp showing lateral sides of two stamps, affixed as seal on reverse of circular sheet to Guadalajara, tied by Colima oval date stamp (Schatzkes 179); stamp torn when opened, otherwise Very Fine, only 10-12 covers are known with this circular rate among all districts; with 2011 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 6 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $375

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Mexico, 1861, ½r black on buff, Jalapa, horizontal strip of four, in combination with 1861, 1r black on green, Jalapa, horizontal pair on 1861 official registered front to Veracruz, all tied by Jalapa cds's (Schatzkes 596), matching certification date stamp (597) and oval handstamps (601) at edges, official eagle cachet handstamp and receiving postmark at top, 4r missing from front (possibly a single stamp affixed at top right) to make the correct 8 reales rate, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 6+7 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $950

Mexico, 1861, ½r black on buff, without district overprint, horizontal strip of four, canceled by two strikes of San Luis Potosi oval handstamp (Schatzkes 1445) on 1861 folded letter to Zacatecas, Very Fine and choice; signed Calves. Scott No. 6a Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300

Mexico, 1861, 1r black on green, Guanajuato, natural pre-printing folds, wide margins, tied by "8" handstamp (Schatzkes unlisted) on fresh 1864 folded letter sheet to Leon, matching Guanajuato cds (Schatzkes 483), Extremely Fine. Scott No. 7 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

Mexico, 1861, 1r black on green, without district overprint, vertical pair and two singles, on fresh Oct. 10, 1862 docketed folded letter sheet to Puebla with manuscript "p Express" endorsement at upper left, all tied by two neat strikes of Veracruz oval handstamp (Schatzkes 1751), Very Fine and choice, a rare express usage during the occupation of Veracruz the postmaster used stamps without overprint and this oval cancel, ex-Mazepa. Scott No. 7b Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $625

Mexico, 1861, 2r black on pink, Jalapa, tied by oval Naolinco handstamp (Schatzkes 622A) on 1861 cover to Auxonne, France with "Voie D'Angleterre" routing endorsement, reverse with "Vera - Cruz, Au 1, 1861" British transit cds (1757B), "G.B./1f60c" boxed accountancy handstamp and "8" decimes due handstamp, Calais entry and transit backstamps, Very Fine, approximately 40-60 maritime covers exist in the entire issue, ex-Rosenthal; with 2008 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 8 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $900

Mexico, 1861, 2r black on pink, Jalapa, tied by two bold strikes of Zacapoaxtla oval handstamp (Schatzkes 648) with manuscript 1861 dating in complete strike, on folded letter sheet Jalapa, Very Fine, a rare cancel from a very small town, ex-Ricoy. Scott No. 8 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $550

Mexico, 1861, 2r black on pink, Mexico, wide margins, tied by Mexico cds (Schatzkes 821) on 1861 cover to Liverpool, England, revere with "Veracruz, No 1, 1861" British transit (1757B) and London entry postmarks, Liverpool receiving cds and manuscript "2/3" due rating, Very Fine and scarce. Scott No. 8 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,100

Mexico, 1861, 2r black on pink, Mexico, on December 1863 folded letter sheet to Guadalajara, across the lines usage with "2" due handstamp struck on stamp and cover as stamp was not recognized by the Juarez faction on arrival, Very Fine, very few such covers exist. Scott No. 8 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300