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Sale 67: The Westpex Sale

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Rhodesia to Sarawak

Lots 512-521 Lots 522-531 Lots 532-541

Lot 532    

St. Christopher, 1885, Queen Victoria, ½d on half of 1d carmine rose, unsevered pair, in combination with 1886, Queen Victoria, 1d on 6d green + 4d on 6d green, canceled by "A12" barred oval handstamps on small registered cover to Horsham, England, matching "St. Kitts, Sp 29, 86" cds alongside, partial red London entry and receiving backstamp, Very Fine, a very scarce surcharge combination usage; with 1995 Holcombe certificate. Scott No. 17c+18+20.
SG No. 23a+24+25    Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $800

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Lot 533    

St. Lucia, 1892, ½d on half of 6d dull mauve & blue, pair and single, in combination with 1891, 1d on 4d brown on cover to Derbyshire, England, all tied by "St. Lucia, Ja 29, 92" cds's, receiving backstamp, Very Fine and choice, a scarce multiple usage of this issue.
SG No. 54+55    Estimate $150 - 200.

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Lot 534    

St. Lucia, 1902, ½d dull purple & green, on picture post card to Beuyerville, Ivory Coast, tied by "Castries, St Lucia, Fe 24, 05" cds, forwarded to Champigny sur Marne, France with blue Grand Bassam cds and receiving postmark, Very Fine. Scott No. 43.
SG No. 58    Estimate $100 - 150.

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Lot 535    

Samoa, 1840 Samoa To Staffordshire, England, London Missionary Society folded letter from Thomas Heath datelined "Island of Manono, 6th April, 1840", sent by private ship rate with manuscript "8" pence rate and clear red "Paid Ship Letter, Sydney, Ju 16, 1840" oval rimless date stamp, reverse with straight line "Ship" handstamp; cover missing sideflap and slightly reduced at left, otherwise Very Fine.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

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Lot 536    

Samoa, 1846 Samoa To London, England, London Missionary Society folded letter, red manuscript "3" for prepayment of rate to Sydney, sent by Sydney packet rate with manuscript "1/" rate and red "Ship Letter, Sydney, De 8, 1846" rimless oval date stamp, London entry backstamp, Very Fine.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

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Lot 537    

Samoa, 1849 Malua To Vaiee, Samoa, Interisland folded letter datelined "Mal(ua) - Mar 4/48" from G. Pratt to Rev. Henry Bishop, sent along with a dozen files, Very Fine, a very scarce interisland usage.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Malua was the headquarters for the London Missionary Society.

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Lot 538    

Samoa, 1850 Malua To Sapapalii, Samoa, April 25th interisland letter from George Turner to Rev. Nisbet, letter with news regarding damage from a sudden storm throughout the islands, mentions chances to send letters…There have been two chances to Sydney by vessels from California. I did not know of the one till the vessel was out. I wrote A. Mae by the other, Very Fine.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

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Lot 539    

Samoa, 1895, 1½d on 2d orange + 3d on 2d orange, perf 12x11½ issues, in combination with 1895, ½d brown violet, tied by blue "Apia, Samoa Apr. 18, 95" cds on 1895 registered cover to San Francisco, Cal., additionally franked with U.S. 8¢ Columbian (Scott #236) tied by oval handstamp, with Samoan stamps supplied by sender and postmarked in provisional blue ink (April 1, 1895 fire-destroyed Samoa post office including all stamps and supplied 8¢ Columbian) tied by oval S.F. registry postmark and magenta straight line, dated May 9, 1895, Extremely Fine, a very rare mixed franking usage, illustrated in Odenweller A Postal History of the Samoa Islands 1830-1911 (page 97).
Scott No. 9b+24b+25b    Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $400

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Lot 540    

Sarawak, 1899, 2¢ on 3¢-4¢ on 8¢ Sir Charles Brooke surcharges complete, all tied by "Sarawak, 2 May, 1900" cds's on registered cover to Kenzingen, Germany, matching "R" registry handstamp and receiving backstamp, with additional uncancelled 1888, 3¢ purple and blue, pair (10) on backflap; couple cover folds, still Very Fine, a lovely and very scarce complete set on contemporary cover.
SG No. 32-35    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $260

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Lot 541    

Sarawak, Registration 1921, 12¢ blue, entire addressed to Huddersfield, England from geological dept. in Miri, uprated with 1928, 1¢ slate blue & carmine + 4¢ brown purple, two singles, tied by "Miri, Apr 16, 28" cds's, registry handstamp and Singapore transit on reverse; wax seals over flap remove, Very Fine, a very scarce registration usage.
Higgins and Gage No. C3    Estimate $400 - 600.

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Lots 512-521 Lots 522-531 Lots 532-541

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