Johore, 1912, Sultan Ibrahim, 1¢ dull purple & green, vertical strip of three & four, strip of 4 on reverse, in combination with 1912, Sultan Ibrahim, 4¢ dull purple & carmine, two singles + 5¢ dull purple & sage green on registered illustrated hotel corner card cover to The Netherlands, all tied by "Johore, 20 My, 1914" cds's with matching registry handstamp, transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine. SG No. 78+81+82. Scott No. 76+79+80 Estimate $100 - 150.
Current Opening Bid: $40

Lot 491 o
Mauritius, 1859, Dardenne issue, 1d dull vermilion, mute barred oval cancels, huge margins all around, strong bright color, Extremely Fine, a jumbo gem used stamp; with 2012 P.F. certificate. SG No. 42 £1,400 ($1,990).Scott No. 16 $1,350.
Realized: $1,200

Mauritius, 1863, Queen Victoria, 2d pale blue, in combination with 1863, Queen Victoria, 6d blue green, pair on cover to Nantes, France, tied by "B53" barred circle handstamps, reverse with blue "Mauritius, Oc 13, 72" origin cds, via Suez with red octagon transit date stamp, Bordeaux entry and receiving backstamps, Very Fine and attractive. SG No. 59+65. Scott No. 33+37 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $500
Mauritius, 1893, Queen Victoria, 1¢ pale violet, irregular block of three, in combination with 1883, 2c green, pair + 4c red, two singles on cover to Paris, France, all tied by "Forest Side, Ju 15, 96" cds's, reverse with Mauritius, Ju 15, 96 transit and receiving cds's, Very Fine and attractive, a lovely three color franking. SG No. 101+102+105 (no photo). Estimate $200 - 300.

Nevis, 1883, Queen Victoria, 1d lilac mauve, bisected, Crown CA watermark, tied by "A09" barred oval handstamp on cover to Dominica, matching "Nevis, Ju 4, 83" cds, endorsed "Book Post" at top and receiving postmark, Very Fine and choice; with 2001 Sismondo certificate. Scott No. 22a. SG No. 26a £700 ($1,000).
Realized: $210