Great Britain, Foreign Destination Covers, 1857-1900, approximately 30 covers and cards written-up in slips; QV frankings with destinations including 1870 Sweden, 1858, Sardinia, 1876 Rio de Janeiro, 1896 Central Africa, 1878 Russia, 1872 Yokohama, 1876 Salvador, 1900 Puerto Rico registered, 1889 Mauritius, 1869 Malta, 1869 Egypt, 1881 India, 1877 Mexico with straight line "By French Mail" handstamp, 1870 Haiti with Liverpool forwarder, 1865 Tasmania, 1861 Madras, etc.; choice material throughout. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,050
Great Britain, Scottish Picture Post Cards, approximately 125 cards in binder; wide variety of subjects with kilts, tartan, clans, traditional dress, etc., includes some paperwork on card printers and other information possibly for an exhibit of these cards. Estimate $400 - 600.
Great Britain, Illustrated Covers and Cards, approximately 60 covers, fronts and cards; includes about 30 items from the 1903-12 Mather correspondence, much of which pertains to Edwardian politics and in particular to the early days of the Labour Party and miscellaneous materials, some pen drawn 1850's front incorporating stamps into design including ship related, 7 multi-colored turn of the century, many humorous caricatures, etc.; condition varies, inspect. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Great Britain, Covers, 1820-1940's, approximately 60 covers and cards written-up in slips; includes a selection of stampless with 1820-30's ship letters to Canada and Amsterdam, 1849 incoming from Rio Janeiro, other usages to South America, stamped covers with a nice showing of various QV issues, numeral Maltese cross, 1859 Gibralter to New York, other destinations including 1873 Canada, 1860 Spain, 1879 Mexico, 1873 Portugal, etc., some interesting later usages, many with foreign dues; nice material throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,450
Great Britain, Collection, 1840-70, mostly used collection on album pages including eight Penny Blacks, various line engraved Penny Blues including a pair, Embossed issues and Penny Red plate number study and more, all in an old Warwick auction folder, owner's 2016 Scott Catalog value $15K+, condition varies, neat collection, generally F-VF. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,000
Great Britain, Collection, 1856-1980's, mint collection housed in S.G. album; with surprising mint issues throughout; starting with 1856 1d perf 16 issue (no gum, cat $2,400), 1858-1870 issues including 2d (Sc #29, cat $350), good later 1860 4d values no gum, good showing of the 1873-83 QV issues with better, 1883-84 issues complete to the 4d with additional 2sh6d & 5sh values, 1887-1900 Jubilees missing only the 19d value, 1902-13 KEVII issue complete to the 2sh6d, 1912-22 KGV issue complete to the 5sh, good completion in later missing some of the scarcer issues, some regionals, etc.; nice looking material throughout and a good foundation for continuation. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,800
Great Britain, 19th Century Auction Groups, mostly used groupings in three old Warwick Auction folders, on album pages and stock cards, includes Penny Blacks, Penny Reds, specimens and more, some duplication, condition varies, owner's 2016 Scott Catalog value $15K, generally F-VF. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $800
Great Britain, Machins Collection, mint collection in three Lindner hingeless albums with slip cases, includes sets, singles, booklets, some FDCs, Regionals etc., review recommended. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450
Great Britain, Airmail Covers, 1911-32, group of six better covers and cards; includes three 1911 First U.K. Aerial post cards (in brown, purple brown and olive green), 1930 first night flight London - Berlin, 1930 Stockholm - London overnight service flight and 1932 London - Bahrain first flight; choice material throughout. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $160
Guatemala, 1881 Quetzal surcharge issues, 38 items on pages, 1c on ¼r & 10c on 1r issues; including some mint with 10c on 1r "ecntavos", similar on other issue used, variety of cancels including mixed franking piece with paquebot cancels. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $190