Lot 3143
Hawaii, Revenue, 1877, $1 black, $5 vermilion & violet blue, and $10 reddish brown & green, each tied by blue "Cancelled Sep 18, 1916" handstamp and used with U.S. 50¢, $1 (3) and $3 Documentary Revenues cancelled by "CAP, 7-29-16" on warranty deed between Caroline A. Potter and Mary F. Potter; file fold and small faults, F.-V.F.Scott No. R14 (3), R15, R16 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230

Lot 3144
Hawaii, Revenue, 1877, 50¢ yellow orange, block of four used with 1893-94, 20¢ on 25¢ green (R7) pair and United States 5¢ Documentary, block of eight, pair and two singles, all cancelled by manuscript on reverse of Pacific Soda Works Company Ltd. stock certificate; light file folds affect stamps, F.-V.F.Scott No. R2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $240

3145 S
Hawaii, Revenue, 1877, $1 black, red A.B.N.Co. "Specimen" overprint, each with large sans-serif letters, with security punch hole, horizontal pair, o.g., never hinged, bold color, Very Fine; signed and plated A. Chang. Scott No. R3 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

Lot 3146 S
Hawaii, Revenue, 1877, $1 black, red A.B.N.Co. "Specimen" overprint, small serif letters, with security punch hole, horizontal pair, full o.g., left stamp never hinged, deep color, bright and fresh, Very Fine; signed and plated A. Chang.Scott No. R3 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230

Lot 3147
Hawaii, Revenue, 1877, $1 black, tied by purple "Registrars Office, Oahu" oval with manuscript "June 1/97" dating along with embossed Royal Stamp crown seal at top left of Aug. 30th, 1873 indenture document, Very Fine and scarce combination.Scott No. R3 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $180

Lot 3148 o
Hawaii, Revenue, 1877, $5 vermilion & violet blue, strip of 8, purple "Jul 10, 1899" date stamp cancels, strong color, reinforced roulette separations and small thin affecting right stamp, otherwise Very Fine, a very scarce large multiple of the $5 roulette issue.Scott No. R4 $400 for singles.

Lot 3149 o
Hawaii, Revenue, 1877, $10 reddish brown & green, horizontal strip of 7, purple "Oahu Sugar Co." straight line cancels, reinforced crease through third stamp and slight toning, F.-V.F., a very scarce large multiple.Scott No. R5 $350 for singles.
Realized: $200

Lot 3150
Hawaii, Revenue, 1893-94, 20¢ on 25¢ green, vertical pair, tied by manuscript "The Hawaiian Realty & Maturity Co., March 3, 1903" postmark on black and green illustrated Certificate of Insurance showing farm vignette, small edge flaws, Very Fine and attractive.Scott No. R7 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

Lot 3151
Hawaii, Revenue, 1893-94, 20¢ on 25¢ green, canceled by red "Paid" handstamp on 1900 Pioneer Mill Co. stock certificate for one share, blue crayon canceled, with certificate stub, Very Fine.Scott No. R8 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $220

3152 o
Hawaii, Revenue, 1893-94, 20¢ on 25¢ green, block of 4, purple "O.S.Co., Oct 27, 1899" Oahu Sugar Co. cancels, rich color, Very Fine and scarce. Scott No. R8 $360 for singles.
Realized: $325