2792 P
Corning & Tappan, 1¢ black, plate proof on India, block of 4 & 8, wide margins, block of 8 crease and tears affecting three stamps, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. RT2P3 $760 for 2 blocks of 4.
Realized: $230

2793 P
Kidder & Laird, 1¢ black, trial color plate proof on card, left margin block of 8, large margins, Very Fine. Scott No. RT12TC4 $720.
Realized: $120

2794 P
Kidder & Laird, 2¢ black, trial color plate proof on India, block of 8, wide margins, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. RT13TC3 $600.
Realized: $120

Trailer Permit, 1939, 50¢ bright blue, attractively centered, strong color and impression, o.g., hinge remnant, F.-V.F.; with 2016 P.F. certificate. Scott No. RVT1 $2,250.
Realized: $2,600