Metropolitan Errand and Carrier Express Co., 1855, 1¢ red orange, corner margin block of 20 with imprint below bottom right pair, full o.g., full margins, some even gum tone and crease in selvage well away from stamps, otherwise Very Fine, a rare large multiple. Scott No. 107L1 $440.
Realized: $220

Pomeroy & Co. Express, orange on thin bond label (Mosher POMX-L10 var.), left margin block of 6, o.g., gum wrinkling and slight soiling at left, Fine, a very rare multiple, color unlisted in Mosher. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500

Lot 2501 o
Pomeroy's Letter Express, 1844, 5¢ black on yellow, value incomplete, manuscript cancel, ample amrgins, flaws including sealed tears, F.-V.F. appearance, a rare key Pomeroy's issue.Scott No. 117L2 $1,500.
Realized: $150

2502 (
Robison & Co., 1855-56, 1¢ black on blue, without gum, margins ample to in at top, some thinning slightly breaking paper at upper right, Fine appearance, still a great local issue rarity, with less than examples known. Scott No. 128L1 $4,750.
Realized: $500

Roche's City Dispatch, 1850 (2¢) black on green, cut-to-shape, uncanceled, flaws including small internal hole at left, Fine appearance, still a presentable example of this rare local issue, with less than fifteen examples recorded, ex-Golden. Scott No. 129L1 $1,750.
Realized: $325

2504 (
Roche's City Dispatch, 1850 (2¢) black on green, cut to shape, without gum, couple creases and thins, Fine appearance, a very rare local post issue, with approximately thirteen examples known. Scott No. 129L1 $1,750.
Realized: $325

2505 (
Third Ave. Post Office, 1855, 2¢ black on buff, without gum, light crease and small thin, otherwise F.-V.F., an extremely rare New York local post issue, with only three examples recorded; signed Geo. Sloane. Scott No. 139L6 $2,500.
Realized: $1,300

Wells, Fargo & Co., 1897, 10¢-$4 Pony Express Reprint, lack plate proof on wove paper, complete sheet of 20 with defaced $4 values, usual light vertical crease through 25¢ values, otherwise Very Fine, a very scarce sheet. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $900

Wells Fargo & Co., 1862-64, 10¢ brown, Plating study, one used and 63 unused stamps, including one block of four and two pairs, mounted with 70 enlarged photographs of singles and multiples, overall Very Fine. Scott No. 143L7 $3,650.

Wells Fargo & Co., 1862-64, 25¢ blue & red issues, plating study, 111 stamps, unused includes 143L8 (22) and 143L9 (76), with virtually complete red plate reconstruction (missing only three positions) used includes 143L8 (13) and mint multiple with two blocks of four and seven pairs; some small faults, F.-V.F. Scott No. 143L8-143L9 $6,270.
Realized: $4,000