1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss., tied by "Niagara Falls, N.Y., Jul 18 '98" duplex on Anglo-Saxon Patriotic post card to Austria, Furthof (8.2) arrival cds; light card creasing, otherwise Very Fine, ex-Biddle. Scott No. 288 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500

1898, 8¢ and 10¢ Trans-Miss., each with well centered with rich colors, cancelled by corks on registered cover to Surrey, England, perfect strike of "Denver Mills Colo. Aug 17, 1898"purple "Registered No." straightline handstamp, "A.R." oval handstamp, British blue crayon, New York (8.22) transit backstamp and New York registry label (FX-NY1a) affixed, Extremely Fine and choice. Scott No. 289, 290 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450